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While Harry had been in his funk, Marlee caught up with their old friends who were visiting or still living at home.

Usually, the first few words out of their mouths were about Harry. For example, "Did you two ever get together? You would be such a cute couple," or something like, "O-M-G! Harry was BLIND! Is he okay? Tell me all the details."

Marlee sometimes got annoyed by those questions but it WAS good to see her friends.

Stacey, the peppy blonde whom Marlee hadn't seen since Senior Year had texted her asking if she wanted to meet up. Marlee said yes, and that's where she is now. Walking down the street to the coffee house on the corner.

"Oh, my gosh! Marlee!" she hears when she pushes the door open. "Hey!" Stacey envelops Marlee in a hug, surprising her.

"How've you been?" Marlee asks, joining Stacey in line to get drinks. She listens to her talk for awhile, about her college life--she's one of the bunch that DID move out--and how crazy the parties can get.

Then when they're at a table, she asks, "So, how are you and Harry?"


Marlee laughs, rolling her eyes. "Harry and I are fine, I guess."

"Still friends? Or more than?"

"We're... together," Marlee blushes.

Stacey gasps. "FINALLY! Ohmygod I've been waiting forEVER for you two to get together! I have to tell Nolan, does he know?" She reaches for her phone. "So, uh, what's happened between you? Anything interesting?" Stacey wiggles her eyebrows at her.

"No, gosh, no," Marlee says defensively. "We've kissed, but I mean... We're taking things slowly."

"MARLEE ROSE. HOW MUCH SLOWER COULD THINGS GO!?" Stacey says so loudly that the people around them turn their heads to look. "You've known this boy forever. Your first kiss should've been years ago, and now you should be skipping college and searching for a house to buy together!"

"Stacey, it's not like we've had the time to do anything," Marlee says.

She frowns. "You've known him since sophomore year."

Marlee shrugs. "I'm sorry."

"That's not how it's supposed to be, you guys were supposed to get together years ago."

"But that's how it is." Marlee crosses her arms. Stacey isn't a part of this. Plus, it's not her job to tell Marlee how her relationship is "supposed to be."

"No, I'm sorry," Stacey says. "This would have been such an epic high school romance. You guys were already basically an item, but if it had been official it would've been even better.

"Also, Marlee? I think you're afraid of taking things too quickly, or of being embarrassed or turned down, that you wait until the very last minute to make any moves. I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't get together with Harry because of your friendship, but he could have gotten Amnesia or something instead of going blind.

"He wouldn't have remembered you at all. Then what would you do? Harry is your soulmate, okay? You're not going to find anyone else like him. I know you--you wouldn't have been able to forgive yourself for losing your opportunity to be with him if that happened."

She's right, Marlee realizes.

"You're lucky Harry only went blind--for a short while even! It could have been so much worse," she says, balling her fist for emphasis.

"I know," Marlee says quietly, closing her eyes. "I never know what to do, though. I'm always afraid of saying the wrong thing and making it awkward."

"How have you lived for the past, what, four years? You've been watching what you say for that long?" Stacey asks in mock surprise.

"Well--no. But if I did say the wrong thing, you know? What would he do?"

"He would love you the same exact way."

"What if you're wrong?" Marlee counters.

Stacey chuckles. "I'm not wrong, Mars, and you know Harry better than anyone else. Trust me."

They sit together and talk for a long while after they've finished their drinks. Stacey tells about her boyfriend, Shaun, and how she met him at school. She thinks that he's the one, and she really, really likes him.

"We have to go on double dates!" Stacey squeals. "Now that you and Harry are a thing, we should do it!"

"Okay," Marlee smiles.

"Where is Harry, by the way? We should do that double date thing tonight."

"I think he's nocturnal now," Marlee tells her. "He caught a really bad virus and he's been home for a long time." She laughs, "He told me I couldn't see him, so he refuses to come out during the day."

Stacey laughs too. "That is such a Harry Thing. Nobody else would try and reset their Circadian Rhythm like that."

"I know, right? It's dumb in my opinion. He always texts me at 4 in the morning--when I'm asleep--and then he gets disappointed when I don't text back until HE'S asleep."

"Dude, Harry needs to learn about beauty sleep."

"I think he's getting better, though. We should be able to do that double date thing soon, I hope." Marlee smiles at her, hearing her phone ring in her purse.

"Oh, is that Harry?" Stacey says excitedly.

"He's--undoubtedly--sleeping at this very moment." She laughs. Marlee pulls her phone out, reading the Caller ID. "Oh... it is Harry. I should take this."

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