chapter 1

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some time in 2020

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some time in 2020

cassiopeia's pov

1268 words

i looked around the familiar, yet unfamiliar room, and walked up to my paintings. not to be cocky or anything but they were really good. i tried to pick it up but it just fell right out of my hands leaving a loud thud.

why couldn't i pick anything up?

i started to hear footsteps coming in the direction of the room i was in and i immediately hid in the tight closet.

"um hello?" i peaked my head out of the closet to see a girl with curly black hair, brown eyes and light brown skin accompanied by glasses. she wandered around the room looking for movements. suddenly, her eyes made their way to the closet i was currently hiding in. i couldn't feel my heartbeat but i sure know if i had one, it would be beating loudly.

looking under the closet door i was able to see the girl's feet standing right in front of where i was hiding. slowly, she opened the door and was met with my dark brown eyes.

we both screamed.

"who are you and what are you doing in my room?!" she screamed. i scoffed. "your room? this is my room. well i thought it was..."

she looked at me like i had 3 heads. "what do you mean you thought it was. how do you not know what your room looks like?"

i glanced over at the walls covered in paintings. "where did you get those?"

she also glanced towards the wall and started walking towards the paintings. "they were my aunts. well not my blood aunt, she was my mom's bestfriend. but she passed away long before i was born."

i stared at her with my jaw on the floor. was she talking about me? am i dead? those were my paintings. who was her mom?

"i apologize for these strange questions but what was your mom's name?" i asked her. i needed answers. what happened to me when i was hit? all i remember was that dark room but i felt like i was only there for an hour.

"uhm it's okay i guess. her name was rose. rose molina but her maiden name was garcia. now who are you again? and do you need something..?"

i was in shock. rose. my bestfriend had a daughter! i started to remember of the time rose told me her first daughters name was going to be julie. she always loved that name.

"julie?" i whsipered just loud enough for her to hear. i completely ignored all of her other questions. "yes? how do you know my name?" she replied, growing irritated that her questions aren't being answered. 

"oh yes i forgot to introduce myself. i'm cassiopeia cline. your mother was my bestfriend. is she around?" i said excitedly.

she smiled sadly. "i'm sorry, she passed away a year ago." her face then scrunched up. "CASSIOPEIA CLINE? b- but you're dead?"

i smiled sadly as well thinking about rose. "i was confused at first too. now everything makes sense. wait. if i'm dead, how can you see me?" i questioned. she just shrugged.

"my mom talked fondly of you. she always wished you were there with her and was able to meet me." julie chuckled. "now i have." she walked towards her bed and sat down and i followed her movements.

"if you don't mind me asking. what's your story? i've heard it from my mom but i would love to hear it from you." she asked hopefully.

"well." i smiled. "you already know me and your mother were great friends. now with my death, i remember walking to your moms house on saint patricks day and we were on the phone with one another and i was just about 3 minutes away and i was hit by a speeding car. i don't remember much except your mother crying and then a few minutes later she was right by my side. the next thing i know my eyes were closed and i was in some dark room for a few hours and now i'm back here." i looked up at julie who was slightly tearing at the mention of her mom. "julie, what year is it?"

"oh, it's 2020." she said.

WHAT? 2020? it's been 25 years!?

i stood up from the bed.  "i've been dead for 25 years?" julie got up as well and took out what looks like to be a phone and started typing. i just looked at her confused. "julie what are you doing?"

"nothing to worry about aunt cass." she glanced up from her device when she said 'aunt' and i just smiled and nodded letting her know it was okay to call me that. "i'm looking up your article from when you died." i nodded.

a few moments later, julie showed me her phone and the article. it was strange but i think i handled it well considering i just read the article confirming my death.

my mind started to wander from when we first met and she figured i was a ghost. why wasn't she scared?

"jules, why weren't you scared when i told you i was dead and that i'm a ghost." i grimaced at the term 'ghost.'

she sighed. "well this isn't my first encounter with ghosts. there's this ghost band that lives in my garage. they claim it was there's before they died. it's funny really, they also died in 1995. do you happen to know them? their band name is sunset curve."

i gasped. "i've heard of them back when they were alive. i wasn't friends with them but your mother knew the one. his name was bobby. he survived though." she looked at me confusedly when i mentioned a bobby but didn't push any further. "do you know why they're here jules?" she shook her head no.

"julie? are you talking to someone?" an older man walked into the room. julie looked over at me and it seemed as if the man couldn't see me.

"oh hi dad, didn't know you were home." she slowly turned her body towards the man. "i was just talking to myself." she lied. he nodded his head looking around. "okay, well you left the stereo on in the garage. again."

julie scowled. "my bad i'll go turn it off." she rushed out of the room followed by the man known as her dad.

i exhaled and followed julie towards the garage where you were able to here music playing.


as i walked into the garage the music stopped and i could hear julie hollering at three guys. julie shifted her gaze to me, followed by the other three who also turned their gaze to me.

"aunt cass, meet lu-" she started but was quickly cut off by a boy with shaggy light brown hair.

"luke." he finished with a wink. he then pointed to the other two who i already knew as reggie and alex but i just sat there waiting for him to finish.

reggie spoke up, "you look familiar. have we met before?" alex just glanced at him on why he was asking that question out of all the questions in the world.

i laughed and sat down on the couch nearby. "well, i know you three but you don't know me. we may have met in school but that's about it." i looked over at the three who were already staring at me. "how rude of me. i'm cassiopeia. cassiopeia cline. i died in 1995 from being hit by a car."

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