Part - 8

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Lisa was quite while sitting with Rose in the hall.

But, when Lisa noticed JK was approaching hall so she started screaming (crying) fakely!

Rose: "Don't cry Lisuu baby!"

JK came & noticed Lisa.

(( JK murmured himself: "ohh! Such a drama queen!"))

JK (with fake smile): "Why are you crying Lisa.. Lisu?"

Lisa started screaming loudly.

Rose: "Look! JK? She is crying!"

JK sat down on the sofa & Lisa suddenly hugged JK.

Lisa started crying.

Lisa rubbed her nose on JK's shirt.

Lisa: "(sniff)... Why did you scold me?"

JK: "aah? When?"

Lisa: "(sniff).. just now in your room."

JK sighed: "aah! Ok ok! Don't cry"

Lisa started smiling. ( what a drama queen) 😒😒

Lisa: "I am here to invite at my birthday party! You must come tomorrow.
Okay JK baby??"

JK: "aah? No! I think --- I think I have a very busy schedule tomorrow!"

TAE smiled: "No! You are quite free tomorrow."

JK rolled his eyes & looked at TAE angrily.

TAE again smiled.

Lisa: "Oh! Greattt! Then, you have to come JK babyyy!"

JK (with fake smile): "Sure Lisu."

Lisa suddenly kissed on JK's cheek but JK erased it softly by hand.

Lisa: "Ok! Baby! I have to go.
Bye JKkkk baby."

JK sighed: "Yes. Yes. Byee"

Rose went close to TAE.

Rose: "Hey handsome!
You also must come. Got it??"

TAE surprised: "aah? Me?"

Rose whispered: "Yes! Handsome."

Rose winked at TAE.

Rose & Lisa said bye & left finally.

JK sat down on sofa & sighed in relief but TAE was laughing.

JK shouted: "Why--why are you laughing?
What's so funny here?"

TAE tried his best not to laugh.

TAE: "ahh! Nothing!"

JK: "Don't smile. I will kill you."

TAE burst into laugh!

TAE: "hahahaha."

TAE received a message on his phone & he checked it.

TAE smiled to see the message.

JK raised his eyebrows: "Who-who?"

TAE (with attitude): "None of your business."

JK: "Bubblegum?"

TAE: "Shuttt up! It's Bogum."

JK: "Why is he sending messages to my Assistant?

TAE: "Look! I already made your dinner. Eat it! I will eat later."

JK: "Why?"

TAE: "Nothing."

TAE walking towards his room happily while messaging Bogum on phone.
He was smiling so happily & JK noticed that.

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