Part - 15

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In the next morning, JK woke up & opened his eyes slowly.
He experienced the most beautiful view infront of his eyes.

It was Kim Taehyung who looked like a sleeping baby in JK's embrace who had perfect reddish pink lips, who had pale milky skin, a perfect asleep sclupture.

JK was mesmerized to see TAE's beauty in morning light.

JK smiled a little & kissed on TAE's forhead.
TAE pouted in sleep but smiled.

TAE felt something wet on forhead so he opened his eyes slowly & saw JK who was smiling.

TAE: "mmm!"

JK: "Good--morning--"

TAE(sleepy): "hmmm."

JK kissed on TAE's cheek.

TAE yelled: "aaah! Stop-stop it."

JK pulled TAE quite closer but TAE pushed away JK.

TAE woke up fully.

TAE: "Leave me."

JK pouted: "You know what!!
When you were asleep you looked so innocent---
But, again you started avoiding me."

TAE: "Whateverrr!
Leave me.
Don't you have any work??
Get up!"

JK: "Why are you ruining my mood?"

TAE with big eyes: "What mood?"

JK cleared his dirty but beautiful thoughts about TAE & nodded his head: "Aaah!
Forget it.!!
Anyway pack your things.
We will return to my house."

TAE got up from bed.

TAE: "huhh! My holidayssss!"

TAE felt happy inside bcz he would go to JK's house woth JK but he didn't show his feelings.

JK was quite sad to see TAE's behaviour.
He thought that TAE would no longer avoid him after the yesterday night.
JK sighed & got up.

TAE was making breakfast.
But he heard that someone was knocking the door like breaking the door!!

TAE quickly opened the door.

And booooooom!!! 🙂

Someone screamed: "Jkkkkkkkkkkkk babbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"

JK heard that shitty noise from room & quickly came into there.

JK's eyes got bigger to see that shit.

JK murmured: "Li--Sa??"

Lisa dramatically pushed away TAE from door & entered forcefully.
She literally jumped on JK which made JK slipped on the couch with that shitty Lisa.

Lisa held JK's face & was about to kiss JK's lips forcefully but JK pushed away her so Lisa found herself on the floor.

Lisa screamed: "Aaah! My leg! JKkkkkkkkkkk babyyyyyyy!
Why did you push me away?"

JK sighed: "huh."

TAE was speechless for sometime to see her.

TAE helped Lisa to get up from floor.

But, Lisa pushed away TAE & shouted at him.

Lisa to TAE: "Don't touch me---- You rascal---- you poor dirty ---"

She could not finish her sentence bcz JK shouted at her.

JK to lisa: "Enoughhhhh! Lisa!"

Lisa shocked to see him.

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