ch:2(y/n past story 2)

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Cizee: you changed alot after being together with brandon...
Y/n: what are you talking about??
Rara: y/n!! You really lost yourself after being with brandon...
Cizee: I know you had many boyfriends even before meeting brandon but brandon really made a big change in your life...
Rara: it was like brandon had a full control on you... you were not the type of girl who would cry on little things.....ummm I don't know how to say it but just think about it...
Cizee: when you and brandon revealed that you were together then you already know how much hate you got because of it. We thought you would reply the hater with your savageness but you just went to washroom and started crying soundlessly.
Y/n: did you see me that day??
Rara: we both saw you crying but we didn't wanted to bother you with our questions so we just stayed there when you were crying.
Cizee: Y/n!!! We really care about you so think of it for awhile....we will leave you alone and check on your mom and sis okay 👌
Y/n: okay

Y/n pov:
As soon as both of my friends left me alone. I started thinking about it . I use to be a kind of fire girl with a little bit of sweetness but only my friends and family could see my soft side of me. Whenever someone said something bad about me or my friends, i use to fire them back with some savage word. But after being in relationship with brandon i changed a lot . I didn't spend much time with friends or family. I was always on my phone talking to him or texting him. I suddenly became very weak and that was because Brandon once told me he liked sweet girls whom he can protect. Well even i wanted a boy who can protect me but i didn't need to change myself for someone. And after being in relationship brandon told me to change.

Now i was cursing myself for not standing for myself and changing myself jist because he told me to.

After thinking i went downstairs to check on cizee and rara. Rara was playing some games with my sister and cizee was helping my mom to cook . As soon as both of them saw me they came to me and now we were sitting on our sofa . They asked me

Cizee&rara: did you think about it ??
Y/n: yes!! You were right...i am sorry i even ignored you guys whenever i was with brandon.
Cizee&rara: its okay (they said give me a warm smile)

After having our lunch with cizee and rara....they went to their homes.

After winter break:
I was in school with cizee and rara but it wasn't easy for me to forget about brandon...i tried my best to do so. Brandon doesn't even looks at me. For him it like we were strangers but i just controlled myself and shrugged it off.

After 1month:
It was February 25. Our teacher was teaching us maths in class and i was solving the problems that our teacher told us to solve but suddenly i was called by our school principal. I entered our principal's office.

Y/n: Sir!! May i come in??
Princi: yes come in y/n...
Y/n: sir!! Did you need anything from me??
Princi: you need to go home right now!!
Y/n: why?? Is something wrong??
Princi: i am sorry to say that your father died while coming for his holidays
(A/n pov: y/n's dad is a soldier of your country and he and some of his friends were attacked by terrorist while they were on their way to come home to spend time with their own families)

Y/n: (i suddenly felt my whole body got weak after what our princi said)(i started crying really hard)(my dad the only men in world who loved me so much died)

Princi: i will tell your friends to take you home.

Y/n: (i could speak a word so i just nodded)

After some time rara&cizee came and princi told them what happened...they took me home and as i opened the door i saw my mom sitting on floor like her soul left her body and my sia was crying hugging her....i was still crying and as i entered my house i saw my dad's dead boby. Every realative were in our house for my dad's funeral.

Hate to Love||Choi Yeonjun X Reader 18+Where stories live. Discover now