Just a source of Entertainment

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Chapter 04. Just a source of Entertainment

"I knew you'd be here!", she said.

"Whoa, that's interesting. How did you know I'd be here?", he asked laughing.

"It's you. I know you cannot stay away from me for a long time," she said.

He pulled away from her just enough so he could see her face, "Is it? So tell me how could I stay away from you for the past 3 days?", he asked.

"Oh come on Drake," she said pulling away, "you called me 3 times a day. Is that what you call I COULD STAY AWAY ?", she asked swatting his hand.

"That was not the case. I had gone for my cousin's wedding and all I did there was eat and calling you had been just a source of entertainment for my poor soul."

"Okay. As if you weren't attracted to your cousin's fiance who was 'super hot' and that you weren't able to take your eyes off him. Tell me if that's not something you did. And while on this topic, please tell me you didn't do anything stupid," she said going to the cliff end and sitting down with her legs hanging.

"First of all, how many times should I tell you not to sit there. It scares the hell out of me. And secondly, I don't do stupid things every time I have crush," he said sitting down next to her.

"You know I love it here. And by not doing stupid things, do you mean staring at your crush till the time they notice and give you that weird look to which you blush and smile and run away? Or do you mean going up to them and..." She was interrupted by his huge hand on her mouth. She laughed genuinely. She had missed this when Drake, her best friend was not here.

"Well, FYI, this time I didn't do any of those things, firstly cuz Gwen would have chopped me to pieces and fed it to her goldfish and secondly he was not that attractive."

She rolled her eyes at Drake's reply. "That's good," she sighed.

"So what's new with you while I'd been away? Did that little bastard come near you again. Please tell me yes, I'm very much in the mood of kicking some ass."

"No luck for you. He didn't even show up at the library. Maybe you scared him a bit too much. I guess he'll cancel his membership and well, I'll have to answer Mrs. Jogers' questions."

Mrs. Jogers was the old lady who owned this huge, amazing library in their city. She was kind hearted and had let Kate work for her when she'd approached her the very first time. And from then on Kate and Drake worked there together as they were inseparable from the time they had first met. It had been a very long time Kate remembered.

"Well leave that to me. Mrs. Jogers loves me. She'll understand if I tell her," he said breaking her out of her reverie which did not stop her from asking him the question she'd asked a thousand times before.

"Do you remember the day we became best friends?" she asked Drake.

"How can I forget that day. You were bleeding so badly, I'd thought you won't live through it, but you did. It was the worst day."

She shivered at the memory. It was as if she was back to that day. She remembered each and every moment so clearly as if it was an open wound never healed. It had been a very long time almost 6 years since she had met with that accident. She was 12.
She always took the short way to their school which was deserted all the time but that day she had taken the longer one which was narrow and crowded with vehicles. She was reciting a poem she'd written as an assignment for school. Suddenly she heard people screaming at something. She turned to see an old lady around the age of 88, crossing the path while a car was coming in her direction with high speed. The lady didn't seem to realize that. Kate hadn't thought before she launched herself towards the old lady, pushing her out of the way. And the car had hit her instead. She was rushed to the hospital while she kept arguing that she wanted to go to school and submit her assignment. At that time Drake was the one who'd promised her that he'd submit it. He'd returned to the hospital after the school with her assignment in his hand, a big A remark written on top of it. Though they both had been friends since the age of 7, after the accident Drake had always accompanied her from home to school and back. They became best friends since then . She remembered her mother crying by her side when she'd been lying on the hospital bed half conscious. A tear left her eye unknowingly which was quickly wiped away by soft, big fingers.

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