Chapter 4-Special Exam-Part 2

Start from the beginning

“In that case,all that would increase is the number of people forced to retire.Your points can’t be changed any more after reaching zero.”

As Mashima sensei explained further everything became clearer.

The students of my class were arguing about the toilet issue.We could use our points to buy certain things from the manual.And Portable toilet was one of those items.

Looking at the situation of the class,this exam was going to be one of the biggest challenge.The class was split into two groups.

The girls were adamant on using points for daily necessities while boys suggested that they should save as much points as possible.

Honestly speaking boys were being stupid,it's not like we were wild animals to survive without basic facilities in forest.They should limit what they want to use.

Its the best way out of this situation.But who is going to listen to a person who saved Two Class C idiots.

I sighed.Its better to stay quiet and go along the flow.

Class A had already left but the other classes were still discussing.Is this the difference between A and others.

I have to make my move into Class C this exam.If everything goes by the best case scenario then I would complete my most important task.

That task will cost me my relationship with her,but at this point I didn't care.

After some arguments a portable toilet was to be kept.I was relieved.Hygenie mustn't be compromised at any cost.

Phones weren't allowed.It made things a little harder for my plan.But I had somewhat expected it.I may have to acquire some points for certain equipments.

I sighed and started following the class who had started to venture in search for spots.The mood of class was a little down.No one had expected this test.

Horikita started walking beside me,"What are you upto this time ayanakoji kun?"

I looked at her,"I'm enjoying my vacation."

She looked at me with disbelief but sighed.

I asked her,"What about you?It doesn't look the same for you."

"Since when do you care about me?"She asked me.

I sighed,"Horikita,you should look after your health.You are important for this class.And I'm sorry."I genuinely apologised.

She was surprised but she looked ahead staying silent.

Horikita I wanted to apologise for what I'm going to do this exam and I genuinely meant it.

It seems there are not going to be any expulsions this exam.Acquiring points by acquiring spots seems simple.But when we take class competition into consideration the scenario changes.

This test is going to hard.I have to remain in the shadows.Because if I come in the frontlines,then I might not have freedom.And I'm ready to do anything for the sake of it.After spending 15 years as a tool of that man,it's time I fight for my freedom.Even if it means expelling someone.



We had reached deep into the forests.Chabashira sensei was accompanying us.She had not even glanced at me since the test begin.It seems she is still scared of me.My eyes told her what she needed to be told.

"We should decide our leader first before we search for the spots."Kushida spoke.

I was surprised.I didn't expect her to speak.But she was right in a way.If we decide it near a spot, their is a possibility that we might be spied upon.

Even here we can be spied upon but I had not seen anyone nearby.I have been looking from quite sometime.But it seems,Class C had put all their trust in blackmailing me.Its pity that they don't know who they are up against.

Hirata spoke,"I agree,we need to acquire spots too.We should decide the leader now.Anyone volunteering?"

They started gossiping.

Most of them taking hirata's name.I made my way to Matsushita who was standing with a girl whose name was Sato Maya.She was a member of popular girl's group,led by Kei karuizawa.That group was made for the sole purpose of wasting time.I mean who spends whole months private points on buying clothes.She was one of the people who lost all their 100000 private points in a month.

I made my way there.Sato looked at me.And she surprisingly waved at me.I mean everyone in the class had been ignoring me,due to the suspicions.But it seems some are ready to talk with me despite it.

"So you are ayanakoji kun right."

I just nodded,not wanting to waste my time and looked at Matsushita.

She understood that I wanted to talk to Matsushita and her expression turned into a disappointed frown and she walked of.What was her problem?

Girls are certainly a mystery.I wonder if my mother is like this?I would certainly like to meet her one day.It feels good to have a person whom you can call your family.Even if I am a terrible human,I don't resent that man for taking everything from me.Because of him,the existence named 'Ayanakoji kiyotaka' was born.

'Never resent your past,Use it to build your future.'I believe in this.Even a human like me has principles.

I just want to enjoy freedom for three years.Is it too much to ask?

Matsushita looked at me and I whispered in her ear.After listening,she nodded and made her way to hirata.

"Hirata kun,I think we should choose a person who is capable of leading the class well.Therefore I nominate Horikita San to become the leader."

Horikita was surprised.She never expected this.All the students agreed to it.Because horikita herself didn't have any problems.She was still keeping her tough act.

Her sickness was taking a toll on her.She might not be able to keep the act for the whole exam.But still I wanted her to be leader.

Because at the end of this exam she will be broke beyond repair.Then I will join the pieces of her heart to make her the strongest asset of Class D.

I sighed.

I'm really a terrible human being.


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