Chapter 20✔️

Comincia dall'inizio

"Boys I trust your both behaving yourselves," I asked nodding my head at Guardian Shields and Knight currently on duty watching Dimitri before looking at them. "Disobeying orders is a big no, no, right guys."

Nodding to me they both stayed composed behind Dimitri. Good, exceptionally good. Any sudden lip and I will remind him what happened last time.

"Wouldn't want me to remind you how fragile bones can break, right Guardian Shields." I asked amused breaking out in a wide grin.

Giving me a stern glare, he kept his mouth shut. Me I just smirked; he knew exactly what I can do even pregnant besides hitting pregnant woman was worse than disobeying orders in my opinion. Dimitri on the other hand was confused on what I was saying yet looked like he wanted to run for the hills. Which he has been doing one to many times, time for him to out his big boy pants on.

Both Jackson and Brendan behind me snickered behind me. Turning to give them both looks they quickly shut up.

"Now do me all a favour and stand there while I have a chat with your charge quickly, he has done a find job avoiding me, but I've got to talk to him now." I say looking into Dimitri's beautiful brown eyes that I loved so much.

"Sorry Hathaway can't do that, court order's as well as your old mans." Guardian Knight answered.

Sighing I closed my eyes annoyed; I knew this was going to happen. Opening them back up I looked at both guardians.

"There is four highly trained guardians it's not like he can run far without being brought down. It will only be a few minutes and your close by, unless you want to start a fight with me, do you honestly want me to rebreak that nose of yours and you can match his just as quick." Sizing them both up.

Right now, I could not take them with this belly, but they did not need to know, only needed to do.

"I'm starting to think you're the demon there is no way your human," Shields grumbles. My left eye twitched as he called me a demon. Ill show you a demon, strigoi will be the least of your worries, when I am through with you strigoi will be nothing but fluffy bunnies.

Glaring at me he and the other guardians move far enough out of earshot.

Perfect now time to face this once and for all, it was either he wants his kid or not either way my future is the same.

"Sup Comrade, done ignoring me now." I asked sweetly but my smile on my face was not what it was, I was pissed rubbing my belly consistently as my child kicked me. "Considering all the things I did and went through to find a way to bring you back a minute of your time should not be a problem. Right?"

"What do you want Rose, both Adrian and the princess has both told you to leave me alone." He said sternly. "Adrian was the one who saved me Rose, not you." Rolling his eyes at me. How mature of you comrade.

"When have I ever listened to anyone, for someone who used to be my mentor, you should have known that by now." I replied sarcastically, crossing my arms. "Considering you bedded her."

Dimitri sighed shifting on his feet clearly, I was irritating him. "Rose were over let it go, you have other things to worry about and you don't need me in the way."

"Oh really, how observant of you to make a decision without my knowledge. Didn't know I felt that way." I sarcastically replied. "What is your issue."

"My issue right this second is you, Rose when I turned back something changed in me." Dimitri explained. "When I came back, I haven't been able to feel and I don't feel nothing between us, my feelings have changed."

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