I walking to the kitchen to get a drink for me but I startled when I hear someone scream my name from behind me.

"Y/N!!" those familiar voice...

"Fuck Tae! Oh my god!" I turn my body to see him laughing at me.

"You such a scaredy cat, Y/N" Taehyung said, keep on laughing at me.

I scoffed and look up and down to him, he had his school uniform on. "You supposed to go to school, aren't you?" I said.

"I do" he replied.

"and then? Go to school. Your exams is tomorrow" I said as I grab my drink and drink it.

"I need to relaxing my mind before the day of the exams tomorrow. I don't want to stressed out" he said.

"alright. How did you get here by the way?" I ask him.

"as usual, from your bedroom's window but it took a long time for you to return back to your bedroom so I decide to check on you after confirmed your parents isn't around" he explains.

"You know, gladly you're here when my parents isn't around or you would be dead" I said.

"well, if I accidentally meet your parents, I would just ask for proposal for you to them" Taehyung said, flirting with me with those evil smirking.

"stop it, Tae." I chuckling before taking a big sip of mineral water.

"so, did your mom actually know that you're absent today? I just see you fully had your uniform on" i said, crossed my arms after put the bottle dome while look at him with judging look.

"I pretend to go to school in front of her" he awkwardly laugh.

"and you definitely lied her" I said as I take a laundry basket.

"you're right!" Taehyung said.

"such a good boy" I said while shaking my head as I heading to the laundry room.

"oh I thought you already know that I've been a good boy since I was a newborn" he playfully said, coming after me.

I start to putting all the laundry into the basket. "You know what? You should help me out doing this laundry" I said as I walked out to the front yard.

"with pleasure~" Taehyung smiled as he start to help me hanging the laundry right after I put the basket on the ground.

I smile back as I also hanging the laundry. Afterward, we walk back into my house. We reach to the living room and I sit on the couch as Taehyung sit on the floor right between my leg, resting his head on my knee.

I gently smile, knowing what he want. I move my hand and run my fingers thru his long and black wavy hair as I watch the movie.

Taehyung closed his eyes with a soft smile appear on his lips, enjoying my touch on his hair just like how he love it.

"did you have a thought about making a present for me once I got straight A+ for my exams result?" he said, grinning playfully.

And then my mind start to playing to make a huge gift for him but then, a wide smile appear on my lips once I got an idea for Taehyung's gift if he archive to get straight A+.

"of course I do~" I said.

"tell me what is it!" he cheerfully said.

"ops~ I can't tell you. It's surprise~" I said.

"alright then. I can't wait to see what's the present is" he squealing excitedly.

I giggling as we continue watching a movie together while I smoothly playing his hair for almost a hour until Taehyung break the silent. "I'm bored... Wanna talk a walk at the park?" he ask.

At the same time, my mind suddenly remember the head of mafia that tried to kidnapped me to be the ransom for their debt just as my mom told me yesterday. "I... I don't want to..." I said.

Taehyung suddenly look at me in questionable. "why? You're the one wished to go park together with me someday" he said.

"I-I..." My lips was shaking a lot to tell him, the facts that my life with my parents actually surrounded by the threat and the rebel has frightening me a lot. Without my knowledge, my tears unexpectedly gathering in my eyes without any hesitation.

Taehyung expression changed into anxious at how fast my face changed into frightening one especially the tear in my eyes that caught his attention at first. "hey... What's wrong?" he said as he stand up to take a seat next to me.

"My... My mom just told me the real reason why I being trapped in this house for over ten years" I said.

"and what's the reason?" he curiously ask.

"that I actually in danger" I said.

Taehyung frowning his eyebrows confusedly. "how come?" he ask again.

I slowly moved my eyes up to look at him. "My parents owe one hundred thousand dollar to the head of mafia for our bills, house rent payment and my school fee money ten years ago at Seoul 10 years ago..." I explain, stuttering.

"did your parents make it to pay the debt?" he said.

"No. They couldn't afford to pay the debt even they have settling all the payment and bills. We decide to run away since the head of mafia was being impatient and come to search and threaten them for the debt. That's why they keep on saying the people out there was dangerous for me, knowing the head of mafia and his gang will be around. He even threaten us to kidnapped me so they could turn me as the ransom for the debt. That's the reason they hide me here for over 10 years" I said while looking down, sobbing while the tear keep streaming down to my cheeks.

"but you know, gladly that you guys are safe here, nothing to worry about" he said, looking at me in guilty.

"No... We aren't that safe from now on. They'll never give up to get their debt even it's been 10 years. My parents got fight because of that matter. They just panicked that make them got into a fight cause they still got lack of money to pay them since they want a fully pay at once and now, they're around this town to find us. They already targeting us staying in this town... I'm just so scared... If they couldn't get their debt, they will just kidnapped me to turn me as ransom" I said.

I could feel my whole body shaking in fear every second I thought about my miserable life. I thought my life was in loneliness but I'm wrong, it worse than that.

Taehyung were speechless after hearing the real reason why my parents got into a fight and why they trapped me in this house over ten years.

"i-i never thought it could turn out like this. I was speecheless and I couldn't tell you how terrified I feel to hear that, not knowing your real life was that miserable. I'm so sorry for you" Taehyung guilty said.

"it's okay... Having someone hearing this already make me feel better" I smiling but the tear keep on rolling down as the fear was still creeping inside me.

But then, Taehyung suddenly cupped my cheek as he see my eyes sparkling from the gathering tear. "just put a faith on God that none of them could hurt you... Trust me... As long you put a faith on God, you'll be safe..." he said while gently wiping my tear away with his thumb.

I stare deep into his glow and beautiful eyes, slowly nodded my head after letting my last tear rolled down to my cheeks.

"good girl... As long I'm here with you, you're fine" he said in a very soothing way as he gently pulled my head to his chest and hug my head.

I close my eyes and hug his waist as I placed my ear on his heartbeat. Calming myself down by hearing his heart beating next that sound like a music to my ear.

[To be continued... ]


A/N : guys, I'm so sorry for not updating any chapter this month ;-; I was very busy lately.

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