Part 4 - Open Sesame and Say Ah

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"Lena, the doctor asked if there's any tingling in your extremities," Sam says, pulling Lena out of her ill-timed distraction from reality.

She flexes her fingers, making certain of her answer before shaking her head.

"That's good. I'm ordering a shot of epinephrine, and we're going to start her on oxygen, just to be safe. I'll have a nurse set up an IV with some antihistamine and cortisone to reduce the inflammation, and some albuterol to help her breath."

"When can she go home?"

"Tomorrow if everything looks good."

As the doctor finishes writing up her orders, Lena flails furiously in Sam's direction. She had plans to curl up with a good contract and a glass of wine tonight. Overnighting in a hospital does not fit her schedule.

"Okay, I see you. Calm down," Sam assures. "Doctor, does she have to stay overnight? Can't you just give her some medication?"

"I'm worried about her breathing. The swelling will go down much faster here, and she'll be safer. Anyway, the medication is going to make her sleepy." She clicks her pen closed and slides it back into her pocket, hanging the clipboard on the bottom of the bed. "What's the matter, do you have a big date tonight, Miss Luthor?" Then she smiles that frustratingly attractive smile, and Lena is all the more put off that she can't make a quip back.

"If you need anything from your place, I'll go get it for you," Sam offers. "Oh, doctor, will she have a private room?"

Even the doctor's laugh is attractive. "Her name is on an entire wing here. I think we can manage a private room."

Lena doesn't make it through her contract that night. She's still holding onto consciousness when Sam returns with pajamas, a blanket that actually blocks the cold, her tablet, and some paperwork. After only about five minutes of Sam reading to her, Lena drifts off, only vaguely aware of soft lips kissing her forehead and wishing her a good night.

When she awakens, Lena is pleased to find her swelling is mostly down and her voice and appetite have returned. By the time she's dressed, Sam has shown up with non-hospital food and hot coffee. At the sight of the steaming cup, everything from the prior night is forgiven.

"I love you," Lena says, fingers curling in and out in a 'gimmie' gesture.

"I'm pretty sure you're talking to the coffee," Sam says, handing over the object of Lena's affection, "but I love you too. How do you feel?"

"Fine. Fine. How do I look?"

It's an honest question, and the way Sam's gaze does a careful examination let's Lena know she's taking it seriously. "Better much better. You may be a tiny bit swollen still, but I don't think I'd notice if I didn't know you so well. You have your lips again, at least."

"Whose lips did I have last night?"

"Oh, you know those fake wax lips the kids get?" Sam purses her lips far away from her face and curls them out before returning to her normal smile. "Those are the lips you had."

"Ugh, fabulous. Figures I'd look like overripe fruit when I meet an attractive doctor. She was attractive, wasn't she? It was hard to see her through the slits where my eyes normally are."

"Yeah, she was cute and pretty friendly. Sorry to have introduced you two under such unpleasant circumstances. Lena, I really am—"

"Drop it, Samantha. We've been together through too much to get hung up on this. If anything, I think you trying to kill me brings us closer. Now you really are like family to me."

12 Days of ChristmasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora