Chapter 20: The 2 Other Gems

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•Third Person View•

The girls sleept peacefully inside the castle but one. She was extremely bothered to say the least. She's worried for her friends' sake. 'Why befriend her?' 'She's like a Princess of an extremist.' Thoughts like the ran through her head.

She finally let out a long deep breath which created a puff of smoke in front of her. It's a cold night and every member had a roommate except for Minju. She felt cold. She was the one destined to marry someone but she felt like within her circle of friends, she's the onky one who'll be lonely.


Morning came and the girls woke up one by one alongside someone special. Of course, except for Minju. She woke up later then usual. Thankfully, her friends waited for her.

She fixed herself and made her way down the long ass stairs and finally arrived at the dining table where the Lord, her friends and Chaewon is seated.

She strode over to seat next to Nako but the Lord insisted for Minju to seat next to his niece and who's Minju to complain. She sat next to her 'frienemy' and grabbed some food.

After talking and laughing, they proceeded to take a quick tour of the huge ass castle. The castle was certainly big and would probably take weeks or months to roam every single part of it.

So they went to places that are important and not restricted. As they walked around, maids and guards greeted them warmly. The heirs felt more welcomed than in their kindom. Whenever they would walk around the castles of their kingdom they would always be greeted with a bow and a forced smile.

They then went on with the tour until Chaewon was excused by her uncle. The others went back to their rooms silently thinking of the happening today. Just then, a large earthquake happened and they quickly gathered infront of Hitomi's door.

"Unnie, what's happening?" The peach asked. "I don't know but it is not good." Their leader spoke. Just then they heard panicking and people rushing outside. The girls then ran and helped those who were having a hard time and trying to keep the place intact.

Just then, a bunch of soldiers shouted, "THE LORD AND THE PRINCESS!" Hearing this mare Minju's heart beat fastened. She didn't know why but something tells her it's not good. They then followed the soldiers which lead to a room.

A room filled with artifacts and 2 gems at the end where Chaewon and Lord Reo were trying to stable it. They then rushed to help but a large boulder quickly stopped them in their tracks.

They can only see the white orb behind the boulder being swallowed by large amounts of dark magic. Dark attunes. They couldn't help but worry, until one of them noticed something. "Where's Minju?!"

•Minju's POV•

I needed to save her. I can't just let her die. As the boulder blocked their way, I rolled down only to be missed by an inch. I then ran towards them and screamed their names.

I then went by Chaewon and held her hand to lend her my strength. Slowly, I felt warm, relieved and safe. Just by holding her hands makes me feel safe and warm. Something I haven't felt in a while.

I slowly let out my power to help them stable whatever these gems are until we saw that the Dark Magic eating the white orb slowly faded. We sighed in relief once the shaking stopped.

"*ehem*" I hear a sound next to me. "What?" I ask boredly. "You seem to enjoy holding my hand." I blushed a little at her statement and quickly let go. Just then, the girls ran to us and spun me around to see if I was hurt.

"I'm fine." I said but they ignored me. As usual.

•Third Person View•

The girls gathered around and waited for the two to talk. Lord Reo noticed it and quickly spoke to avoid awkwardness.

"Well, you see. The real reason we brought you here is because of these gems. I am aware about the mission and I heard you found the first gem." He started.

The girls were silent and urged him to continue.

"Well, the two other gems you were trying to find before you were kidnapped was fake. We hid the two other gems so it would be safe. What you have currently is the gem of Truth, which is only one part out of 4 gems of the gem of Peace.

A long time ago, the gem of Peace was the most powerful out of all the gems. So, when these 3 gems which are the Gem or Peace, Prosperity and Security, will fall into the darkness, the world could be in chaos. So, for safety, they destroyed the gem of peace which gave birth to 4 more gems.

Don't worry. The 3 other gems of the part of the gem of Peace is with the lost son or daughter of the king and queen of Dryxmar. Find him or her, you'll complete these gems.

What I have here hidden is the gem of Properity and Security. These create a large ball of power that could be taken by anyone. And by that, I mean someone could turn this into Darkness. Which is what happened a while ago.

Our enemy, the Dark Attunes made a move and almost caputres these gems. So we need to be careful of who we trust. But because our kingdom has already been found, we will leave the 2 gems to you for safe keeping."

The girls never knew how big of a problem will it be if these gems falls into the wrong hands. But now, they know. The thing is, one girl was silently smirking knowing the 3 gems would be in the hands of her lord. The Dark Lord.



Hello, late update hehe. I have found my heaven and it is Discord.

Also, who do you think is the traitor and why?

Are you confused? So am I.

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