Chaoter 19: Rebels

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•Third Person View•

As the audience tried to process everything, they were still quiet. Until the erupted in chaos as their beloved strongest monster was killed. They began chanting to kill the girls and the Lord just put up his fist and closed it and the noise was gone just like that.

The people in the arena kept mum, waiting for what their lord has to say. They thought that he would get mad and kill them but instead, he clapped his hands and smirked.

"Very well done! You are her. I never thought I would see you again!" The Lord said making everyones eyes on him in confusion. "You can never hide those powers Princess Chaewon. Especially, your bloodline."

The Heiresses ears pearked up hearing this guy calling Chaewon a princess. But the said girl didn't even flinch nor got confused. She expected it. "Of course. I thought we would never meet again, Uncle."

The revelation made the heiresses confused. They were sure Chaewon wasn't royalty. She didn't have a birthmark on her shoulder like the others. Every royalty has a birthmark on their shoulder like a crown but with colors. (The colors are their official colors so u wouldn't get confused.)

"Well well, how about your mother Chaewon? Is she alright?" Her uncle asked with a smile on his face. "Yes uncle. I found her." They then walked off talking but without forgetting the tied up heiresses.

They were shocked as to what they witnessed. But only one thing was running in their mind. 'Is Chaewon the Princess of our enemy?'


Unexpectedly, the girls had a warm welcome from the people in the kingdom and they were also ushered into a bedroom filled with normal stuffs. Not a dungeon.

They girls were greatful yes, but they were also confused. They thought that they would be thrown into somewhere dark and cold but instead, it was a bedroom.

They were in seperate rooms until the maids called them to have dinner with their Lord. They were reluctant, yes but they didn't have a choice. They were in his teritory and apart from the looks and the first time they met and the fight thing, there wasn't any reason for them to fear him.

So, they gathered the courage and went into the dining room. It was huge. Gigantic to say the least. There was a long table and Chaewon and his uncle were sitting at the other end of the room to where the girls are.

The Lord ushered them to seat and gave them a warm smile. "Welcome. I know you might be suspicious of me bit I don't bite." The Lord chuckled seeing the terrified faces of the heiresses. "Come on. Dinner is ready. Eat. We have something to discuss about."

After eating several pieces of meat and salad, the Lord finally spoke.

"I know you are all confused as to what happened. Well, let me explain.

Chaewon here, is my niece. She is my sister's daughter. My sister went missing and made me promise to keep Chaewon safe. Chaewon's mother isn't just anyone. She is a queen. Although, I cannot tell you which kingdom.

Well, as I can see by your faces, I do not want to harm you. I want to help. We are known as rebels. We made our own kingdom on this land where it is hidden with powerful spells and magic.

No one has been able to find us. We purposely kidnapped them to gt your attention, especially Chaewon's. We have been trying to contact her without going out but it was too impossible.

She when we heard that you are in a mission, we send out troops to kidnapp you. And for that I am sorry. I knew Chaewon would find us without doing any suspicious movements.

I haven't seen Chaewon in a while so I tried to test her. And I recognized her moves and fighting skills. I should because I taught her.

Anyways, we are rebels. The ones who got thrown out the kingdom and some of us are from the forgotten kingdom".

The last word made the heiresses ears perk up. "The lost Kingdom?" Eunbi asked. "Yes. I am sure you have all heard the story of 'Oblivion'."

The girls nodded and the Lord explained.

"We all know that the story of Oblivion is a war for power. To those who might get a little lost in the story,

It is a story of a kingdom that was once a beautiful kingdom. Spharia. They had the most powerful people and they were the most powerful kingdom in all of the dimension.

The king and queen were open to all. They opened their kingdom for queers. We all know that the kingdom we currently live in is homophobic right? They said they killed anyone who is gay or lesbian or bisexual.

Well, those people who were killed are now with us.

Ehem, back to the story.

Well, 70 years ago, a war emerged out of nowhere coming from all sides of the kingdom. A powerful dark magic and aura consumed the kingdom. But, the Queen and King escaped but are now nowhere to be seen.

The powers the King and Queen held were very powerful. The Moon, Sun, Blood and the forbbiden magic, the Oblivion. But, the last 2 powers were banned and was locked out of their power to reach it. So now, only their princess can access it.

This story is said to be a folk lore. People wonder. Are there 13 heiresses/heirs? The truth? There are 13. The heir or Dryxmar and heir of Spharia is missing.

But, both are now found. No one just knows where they are. Chaewon here is a princess of the rebels. Not a real princess. Well, not right now atleast."


Is it getting confusing? Well... Who do you think the other Princess is?

Btw, I updated because my hand are itching to update and write. And also thank you for wishing me to get well soon. I appreciate it.

I am still sick. But I think I'm getting better? I don't know. But, anyways, I had my operation and they removed the steel in my leg. It was supposed to be there for more months but I guess it didn't?

Also the reason I updated is I'm bored in the hospital a while ago. The operation went smoothly last midnight.

Anyways here is an update to celebrate the release of the dance practice and the succesful operation I guess...

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