Jun looked at Wonwoo as his eyes followed to where he was looking at, " The Grim Reaper?! " Wonwoo smiles and nods

 " Isn't she pretty? She might look boring but she definitely is kind and caring " Wonwoo's eyes just looked at Y/n as she was finally done bringing someone up to the heavens, " Jun! "

 she called out, " You'll be staying anywhere here, do not go out without my permission! " Y/n glared at him.

" What is it?" Y/n looked at Wonwoo as Wonwoo held a flower in front of her

" Can you accept me now?" Wonwoo who looked at Y/n with love, " Wonwoo don't you get it? If I am with you then I have to make you into a Grim Reaper or something! "

 Wonwoo hugged her, " I don't care if it means being with you " Y/n who felt the emotion of flustered after a long time she closed her eyes and calmed down

" Wonwoo being one is a long process and it would hurt too! " Y/n lied

Wonwoo smiled brightly " Why are you smiling?" Wonwoo leaned in

" Are you perhaps?... Worried about me?" Y/n's cheeks turned light pink right away

 " I'm just saying! Sheesh! " Y/n shook her head, " I'll be fine, Y/n I know you like me too" Y/n couldn't deny that but was too embarrassed to say so

 " Wonwoo are you finally ready to go up? You can't stay here on earth forever you know? "

 Y/n stated trying to change the topic, Wonwoo frowned a little

" Y/n stop changing the subject, I want to be with you is it too much to ask for?" Y/n sighed and looked at the paper she magically brought out

" Spirits who die can only stay on earth for six years limit if six years have passed they are forced to go up " she looked at Wonwoo and Wonwoo scratched the nape of his neck

" And how long has it been now?" Wonwoo chuckles, " F-Five years, " He says lowering his head, " You have one more year, hope you spend it wisely "

 Y/n was about to walk away before Wonwoo held her wrist

" Then spend my last year with me, that's all I'm asking since you won't allow me to transform me into a Grim Reaper " Y/n sighed, " Wonwoo I can't turn you into a grim reaper, and I can't return your love."

 " Why can't you turn me into one?"

 " Because there are five sins that people commit to becoming a grim reaper when they die " she placed five fingers up

 " What sin did you do?" 

" One thing why I won't tell you because you will not like me anymore " Wonwoo smiled 

" Didn't I tell you no matter what you do I will always love you?" Wonwoo had just tiny sins that he made before dying

 Y/n thought she wasn't good enough to be with Wonwoo, " I-... I killed my whole family...Is that what you want to hear? Now I won't spend your last year here on earth with you"

 Wonwoo placed her hand on his chest, " You see? That doesn't change anything, now spend my last year on earth with me"

 Wonwoo looked seriously at Y/n, Y/n sighed and nodded her head slowly

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