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A/N: This series is meant to be heard in it's entirety. Please be sure to add my Spotify playlist OST for Destroyer of Worlds for the absolute fullest experience.

*Sometime in the near future*

"It was night time in the grand city. I was standing at the edge of a rooftop as the cold night's breeze brushes pass my hair. There I was enjoying the sights of the most beautiful city in the whole country Kochi City. I was prepared for this with a small black backpack holding a special item needed for this mission to along with my all black attire. I look forward from a great distance way at the biggest corporation of all of Kochi City. A company called "B.O.A.R.D.". A company partnered with the government with overseeing development of technology, research, and as well as new ways to make new and stronger weapons with new or older materials found on earth.  "B.O.A.R.D." Is one of the most dangerous companies here in Kochi City. It controls the other companies with a iron fist and while they say that they wish to better all of Kochi City for a better tomorrow they're also the most unforgivable company I can't ever forgive."


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(B.O.A.R.D. HQ)

"Through my ear piece I hear my friend's voice"

Male Voice: You ready Manny?

Manuel: Yeah about as ready as I can be.

Male Voice: Keep your cool. Your only mission to transfer data from one of their main line computers on the 30th floor to that modded flash drive I gave you. It should be nice and simple.

"I take out the flash drive from my sweater pocket and inspect it. I moved my hair away from my eyes as the breeze passes me again. I put on my hood as I held the drive close in my grasp. I smirked."

Manuel: Yeah right. Taking computer data from a multi-million dollar corporation associated with the government. (Sarcastically) It should be like taking candy from a baby.

Male Voice: Hey I said it would be "nice" and "simple". Never said it would be "easy".

Manuel: Whatever man. (Puts drive in hoodie pocket) This is gonna be fun.

Male Voice: Sound overconfident much? You're not invincible. You sure you shouldn't wait for the others?

Manuel: Nah. They have things going on in their own personal lives besides this is a one man job.

Male Voice: If you say so. Man I really wish weren't going in alone.

Manuel: I know but trust me when I say. I will complete this mission.

Male Voice: (Laughs) Alright good. Any requests before the mission begins?

Manuel: (Smiles) Yeah actually. Play some music for me. I focus better with music playing. You know which one.

Male Voice: You got it buddy.

-Play Spotify Playlist Track #1 "Simple and Clean - PLANITb Remix"-

"He plays the song into Manuel's earpiece."

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