"Oh, right," Ginny said with wide eyes. "I probably should have gone and checked on him, my mum asked me to". She looked guilty for about a total of 2 seconds before saying, "Oh well".

I chuckled and moved to sit next to them with my books. "He's fine. Just passed out right now; you're mom sent him a few cold stoppers".

"Oh, good. Those ones that my mum gets knock you out like hell, but make you better in a few days. Hopefully he can go to classes tomorrow," she said as she copied something down from her textbook.

"I think he will. Anyways, what are you guys working on?".

"Well you missed out on some valuable defense against the dark arts studying, but now we're working on divination," Hermione said while moving her book so that it sat between the two of us.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "She didn't miss out, 'Mione, we just made flashcards. Y/n, you can just use mine".

I smiled at her and thanked her, and Hermione just gave a shrug and murmured, "whatever," without looking up from her writing.

Noticing her sour mood that most likely stemmed from the stress of exams, a grin took over my face before I pounced on her with a hug and said, "Thank you, 'Mione," teasingly. I could tell that she had tried to keep a grouchy look on her face, but after letting out a yelp of surprise at my embrace, she couldn't help but laugh.

"You made me mess up my writing," She said after I pulled away. She had tried to look angry, but the corners of her mouth betrayed her and quirked up.

"Ah, sorry," I said even though we all knew that I couldn't care less.

She shook her head with a smile and began to show me what I should be doing, the mood of the room much lighter.

We ended up getting about an hour of solid studying before it was time for dinner and then more studying, and then finally bed.


"Why can't we just stay here?" Fred asked in a whiny voice. Both he and George wanted to stay in their room to study, but I knew that little to no work would actually get completed if we stayed.

"Because we won't get work done. Now come one, let's go to the library," I said before leaving, not giving them a choice.

Fred hadn't come to dinner the night before, but apparently a full day and night of just sleeping was enough to knock out whatever sickness that he had, so he had gone to his classes that day.

Classes were boring as always, except now they were even more boring because I already knew everything that we were reviewing for the finals and didn't get to at least learn something new. I didn't love the idea of sitting in the library and having to be quiet while we read our books and took notes, but I knew that that was the only way that I could actually get some valuable review without Hermione's help.

"Okay but it's your fault if we get in trouble with Ms. Prince," George said once they had caught up with me as we walked into the main hallway.

"No it's not. Just be quiet and do your studying. These tests are a big deal".

Both of them groaned and rolled their eyes as we approached the library.

When we walked in, we were greeted by a lot of the students populating the room. It wasn't too many, there were still a few tables open, but it was more than normal. The room wasn't completely quiet, there were students asking questions and quizzing each other, but it was still quiet enough to concentrate. There was just a faint buzz of hardworking students that filled the room and it was almost comforting to be with other people who looked to be just as stressed as I was at the time.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now