Chapter Thirteen

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The Riders.

All the Students were now evacuated; Luna had refused to leave the twins, so Dawson had said he would stay with them. Quinn and Jace were staying with Dawson and Luna. All the wolves that had been phoned had arrived, Amanda, Mitchell, Jennifer, Torreon, Loralie, Deon, Ava, Paul and Timothy from Little Hampton, and Duncan, Heath, Zoë, Collin and Pam from Ayrford. We were all standing in a line facing the Riders along the oval face to face but a few yards in between. All the wolves were in wolf form Alex had protested that he should be allowed in his Lion form and Sookie knew we needed all the help we could get said okay. I thought to everyone else Try focusing all you will at them, you might have an infinity for something that might help. Everyone nodded and Sookie thought is that where that bubble of water came from when we first saw them. I nodded and one of the riders stepped forward, he looked slightly Greek around the edges. He yelled, "We want the old ways back, before there were wolves and the Riders ruled!" All the wolves growled except me, I was the youngest here and I hadn't done history that far back so Duncan quickly filled me in and I growled. I quickly thought of a strategy everyone force your will at them one at a time, Sookie you go first. She did as I thought and one of the riders burst into flames. I nodded to myself and thought Sky you know. She nodded and another rider got hit by lightening. I nodded to myself again.

Everyone had a turn; Sookie could control Fire, Sky the weather, Alec the Earth, Amanda the Air, Torreon Metal, Loralie Fabric, Timothy Sound, Duncan Pain, Zoë Pleasure and Collin Feelings. I had Water. Once everyone had had their turn about half of the riders were gone, there were only 15 of them left. I thought to the others Okay, for faze two of my plan. Everyone with an infinity step back and the others fill their spots. Everyone with infinity stepped back and I thought know everyone who stepped back change back to human form. Everyone sounded shocked but did as I said. I was the last to change but before I did I told the others just think anything you need and Sookie can tell us. They nodded and I changed I found the bag I had and threw each of the boys a pair of boxers and pants. I threw the girls a sports bra, undies and a pair of pants. Everyone got changed quickly Sookie whispered, "They are wondering what we are doing by half of us changing back, wait a go, Dixie." I smiled and whispered, "Okay everyone with infinity goes for a rider each and wolves try and protect us from them if they come at us. Okay on you say so Sookie." Sookie nodded and said, "Wolves know!" Everyone in human form threw all there will at a Rider each but nobody went for the four in the middle. The very middle one made his way to one side of the oval was there was a large enough space for a helicopter to land. I finished off the rider I was fighting and started on one of the ones in the middle Sookie had also finished off another Rider and started on the rider next to the one I finished off. Sky quickly joined us in finishing off one of the riders and we all killed the three in the middle. We helped out the people closest to us finish the riders they were fighting. We didn't see or hear the helicopter come when it landed. All the riders were finished but one. The Leader. He was climbing into the helicopter. Before the helicopter started to head for the air, he laughed a blood curdling laugh before he yelled, "I'll be back for you wolves. See you soon." The helicopter hit the air with the rider's voice echoing in our heads

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