Part 5: The Temple

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The sun rose over the village. On a normal day, the villagers would go about their mornings talking to one another and with smiles on their faces. This, however, was not a normal day. Somberly, the villagers bought their needed goods, did their morning duties, and not a word was said to anybody. The innkeeper was knocking on doors, making it known to his guests that a morning meal had been prepared for them. When he knocked on the doors of Del, Mira, and Coris' rooms, there was no answer. Apprehensively, the innkeeper opened the doors to the rooms. He found them empty, but left clean and neat. On the foot of Mira's bed, he found a note with the inscribed message...

"Thank you for the hospitality. Out on Jedi business. Will return shortly. Should anything happen, use the provided communicator to contact us."

Del's hair whipped around in the wind. Coris, Mira, and he had borrowed some speeders from the locals to go on a very important journey. Mira was quiet, her mind still grappling with the loss of Master Cormac and what was to come from the journey she was currently taking.

"You sure it's this way Del?" Coris asked


"Remind me again why we're going to a Jedi Temple?" Mira asked

"You've just gone through a lot. I believe it is in everyone's best interest that you take your Jedi Trials." Coris responded

"My Trials?? I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not ready. I didn't really get enough training."

"The less prepared you are, the better. You'll be fine" Del said.

"Del is right, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Hell, if Coris could pass his trials, then it'll be easy for you!" Del said as he sped off towards the Temple. Coris smiled to himself; Del was always the lighthearted one out of the three. Intense during combat, focused when using the Force, and overall a great Jedi, but at the end of the day, Del would always crack jokes, smile, and brighten the day of anyone and everyone.

It took them about 15 minutes to arrive at the temple. It was overgrown with trees and the local flora. Del stepped off his speeder, looked around, and took his cloak off.

"This is the place. Grab your stuff."

Mira grabbed her lightsaber and her Jedi cloak. Because this was a momentous occasion, all three were wearing their traditional Jedi robes. As she walked towards the temple with Del, she stopped and looked at her brother.

"Hey, what are you doing? We're going in."

"I can't go with you."


"Coris is right Mira. Your Trials are going to be very different than usual Trials taken by other Jedi. The fact that you have a brother is going to test you in that temple. It's best he stays here."

"But...but we've done everything together. I went with him to his Trials, why can't he come to mine?"

"Mira please—"

"No! I want to know why!"

"Because this is the first part to your Trials."

Mira stared at Coris with a confused and angry gaze.

"Look Mira, being a Jedi and having a sibling is difficult. We technically aren't even supposed to do that. Fear of losing your attachments to others is a path to the Dark Side. When you came to my Trials, you remember when you were told to wait in a room with another Jedi Master. I did them alone, and it was for the best so I could focus on being a good Jedi and not have to worry about you. Now you must do the same."

Mira timidly turned around to face the temple. She had never done anything alone. She always had Coris, Del, or her Master.

"Be brave Mira" Del said, sensing her apprehensiveness.

"Remember, it will be difficult, and you aren't going to like many things that you witness during the Trials, but stay true to your training and you will be just fine."

Mira nodded towards Coris in reassurance. She finally turned to face the temple and followed Del inside.

"May the Force be with You, Mira" Coris said quietly.

As Del and Mira walked through the courtyards of the old temple, they admired the ancient architecture that was before them.

"Do you remember your Trials Del?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, what are they like?"

"They're different for everyone, I'll tell you that. No one I've talked to has had the same experience that I've had. They aren't easy either. I'm sure you'll do fine though."

"Thanks Del" Mira gave him a smile and Del returned it. The two had become very good friends over the years. Del was 23 and Mira was 21, meaning they had grown up together as Padawans. Coris was 27, so he was always ahead of the other two when it came to training, leaving Del and Mira to form a strong connection. One that had grown a bit closer in recent years, but Del had really avoided to act on. He had remained true to the teaching of being free from a romantic attachment for a Jedi. It was never easy, but Del handled the entire matter as well as he could. Finally, they arrived at the doorway where through the tunnel going into the depths of the temple, Mira's Trials awaited her.

"This is as I far as I go Mira. The path before you is for your steps alone. I'll wait here for your return."

Mira looked at the door, and froze. It was finally time for her to become a true Jedi Knight. There was something keeping her from taking the couple steps forward. She didn't know what it was, but it was almost like her body didn't want to go. She felt cold, freezing almost, but that all went away when a hand was placed on her shoulder, she turned to face Del, who looked her in the eyes.

"Trust in the Force, and you will have nothing to fear."

Mira stared into Del's eyes, and pulled him in for a hug. The hug perhaps lasted longer than it needed to, but neither pulled away. Eventually, the two separated, and Mira turned and walked into the doorway. As she did, a stone door began to close.

"What am I supposed to do again?" Mira shouted as the door was closing

"Nothing and everything." Del shouted back as the stone door finally closed shut, locking Mira in. Her Trials had begun.

"May the Force be with You Mira."

Jedi Robes

Jedi Robes

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