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Narrative POV

Once everyone was done eating Dumbledore had told them to follow the heads of their houses to the Dorms and Common rooms. Erza, Natsu, Sting, Lyon and Chelia all followed Professor McGonagall to the common rooms while Guildarts, Minerva, Cana and Laxus left with the other teachers. Meanwhile Lucy, Gray, Wendy, Lisanna, Juvia and Yukino followed Pomona Sprout to their common rooms. Levy, Evergreen, Jellal and Meredy all followed Flit-wick to their own common rooms while Freed joined by Mira also left with the other teachers. Along with this Gajeel, Bixlo, Rogue, Midnight, Angel and Cobra left with Snape while talking with each or other or just minding their own business.

Erza's POV

I and the other Gryffindor's followed Professor McGonagall to the Dorms or Common rooms since there were no classes until tomorrow. I saw that everyone else was following their house heads. I was glad they weren't making a ruckus and fighting. After climbing up a few strange moving staircases and walking through corridors. We finally stopped at what looked to be the portrait of a fat lady. She looked at us and I was surprised that she spoke, she had asked for the password just then Professor McGonagall said "Caput Draconis". I'm going to have to remember that the next time we come. Once we went inside Professor McGonagall explained that this was assort of a lounging area for the Gryffindor's, she said that every house has one and that we can't leave the common rooms until 6:00 am and that breakfast in the hall starts at 9:00am and we have 2 morning classes with a break in between followed by 2 classes in the afternoon but lunch before that. She had also explained that we had to be in the dorms and in bed by 10:00. I decided that I should just gather everyone from Fiore to sit down and maybe talk or discuss if we wanted to enter the tournament, so I did just that.

"Alright everyone, have you decided whether you will enter the tournament or not?" I asked

"Hell yeah" both Natsu and Sting yelled in unison

*sigh* "Why am I not surprised" I say

"I will" Chelia says

"Not me" Lyon says after Chelia

"Alright, guess you're the only one not doing so"

"I guess I am" he replies

After that we all just started talking about who would win or who will enter from the others. The time went by quickly and it had already struck 9:40. Just then a girl with bushy brown hair came up to me and said:

"Hello, my name is Hermione Granger" she says

"Erza Scarlet, pleasure to meet you" I reply

"Umm, not to be rude but hair dye isn't allowed on school grounds so could you kindly dye your hair out and tell that to the rest of your friends who have hair dye" she states

"Oh well these are our natural hair colors, same goes for everyone else from our school" I reply and look at the clock and it reads 9:50.

"Oh I'm sorry for assuming" she apologizes

"It's alright" I reply

"Come on guys we can follow the other students to the dorms boys follow boy and girls can follow the girls." I say

After a few minutes we finally reached what looked like a room with beds. Of course the boys and girls were separated so the boys were in their own dorms. "Why do I have the feeling some of them are going to sneak out" I thought, "Oh well, we'll see in the morning" was my second thought.

Lucy's POV

I and the other Huffle Puff's followed Miss Sprout to the Dorms or Common rooms since there were no classes until tomorrow. I saw that everyone else was following their own house heads. After climbing up a few strange moving staircases and walking through corridors. We finally stopped at what looked to be a stack of barrels and Miss Sprout told us to go from there. She looked at us and I was surprised that she spoke, she had asked for the password just then Professor McGonagall said "Caput Draconis". I'm going to have to remember that the next time we come. Once we went inside Miss Sprout explained that this was assort of a lounging area for the Huffle-Puff's, she said that every house has one and that we can't leave the common rooms until 6:00 am and that breakfast in the hall starts at 9:00am and we have 2 morning classes with a break in between followed by 2 classes in the afternoon but lunch before that. She had also explained that we had to be in the dorms and in bed by 10:00. I decided that I should just gather everyone from Fiore to sit down and maybe talk or discuss if we wanted to enter the tournament, so I did just that.

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