Chapter 5- Meet & Greet

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*TW// IMPLIED TENMIKO (Himiko X Tenko*

I didn't realize how loud I was screaming. My heart was just in pain. Where was my sister? What happened to her? Why can't I leave this stupid place!?
"Y/N!" I heard someone shout. I turn to see Tenko, Kaito, Shuichi, and Kirumi running towards me. "Y/N are you alright? What happened?" Kaito asks.
"What happened..? What happened to my sister? Where is she..." I mumble.
"I know what's wrong." Shuichi said. "It's the motive video isn't it? I'm guessing you got yours because all of ours was messed up." I nodded slowly. I couldn't do anything else but think about her...
"Y/N, let's go to the dining hall. Maybe eating something will make you feel better." Tenko put out her hand to help me up. As a group, we all walked to the dining hall. Tenko pat my back while Kirumi assured me that my sister was okay. I still don't trust Kirumi. Not after what she did to me. Also especially not after we got the new motive. Who knows? Maybe Kirumi is still after me again? Maybe that attack was just to weaken me so she can get me again when I don't notice.
We arrived at the dining hall. I sat down with Kaito and Tenko as Kirumi went to prepare some food for us. Anytime Kaito tried to comfort me Tenko would slap his hand away. It made me laugh each time. When Kirumi came back I was worried she might have poisoned my food so I acted nauseous and complain I couldn't eat. Kaito decided to try it for me. It wasn't poisoned so I ended up eating. Kirumi's cooking is really good. It made me feel better.
After I ate I decided to go back to my dorm. When I opened my door I almost fainted.
"Petal!" It was Gonta. He approached me. "Gonta was worried about Petal. Shuichi told Gonta that Petal was crying because of Petal's sister." He said as he hugged me.
"I'm okay now Gonta. Tenko and Kaito comforted me." I hugged him back.
"Gonta wish he was there to help Petal too. Gonta too busy with Kokichi."
"Speaking of, what did you and Kokichi do?"
"Gonta can't say! It's surprise!"
"Alright." I giggled. "You didn't have to wait here for me."
"Gonta was going to look for Petal but Gonta worried that Gonta might lose Petal." Gonta muttered.
"What do you mean?" I asked him.
"Gonta wanted to hang out with Petal before nighttime."
"Well, we can go visit your research lab since we've already seen mine." I suggested. Gonta's face light up.
"Yes yes! Let's go visit bugs!" Gonta grabbed my hand and took me inside the school. We soon arrived at his research lab. The door was designed with bugs and plants. We entered the room. It was way nicer than I thought it would be. There were bugs packed neatly in cages and tall trees that went up to the roof.
"This room is so cool!" I squealed.
"T-Thank you..." Gonta blushed. Him and I talked with eachother the entire night. He told me all about bug and I talked about the flowers we could use to lure in bugs. Soon the nighttime announcement went off. Gonta walked me back to the dorms then we split ways.
I flopped down on my bed. I should bring Gonta bouquet tomorrow. We could use it to play with the bugs. After getting comfortable I finally fell asleep.
I slowly opened my eyes. Sitting up, I yawned and stretched. I got out of bed and changed into a different uniform. After I walked out of the room I look down the stairs to see Gonta angry.
"Huh?" I wonder. As I'm about to walk downstairs I feel someone grab me by my shoulder. I turn around and see Kaito with a terrified look on his face. "Kaito? What's wrong?" I ask him.
"Gonta has been running around and taking people. I don't know what he's doing with them but he keeps taking people and taking them somewhere." I look at him confused.
"I'm sure he's fine. I'll go talk to him." I tell him.
"Y/N, no!" It was too late, I had already ignored Kaito's warning and left.
"Gonta! Hey, it's me." I called to him, smiling. I should've listened to Kaito. Gonta ran right into me and knocked me out.
I woke up in Gonta's lab with Shuichi and a bunch of other people. My head... hurts.
"Look, Y/N is awake." I heard a familiar voice say. Tsumugi? I slowly sat up.
"Is this... Gonta's research lab..?" I asked.
"Yes it is, Gonta took us all here. He ran into you a little too hard so he knocked you out." Tsumugi said.
"Are you alright Y/N? Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Kiibo! Don't ask so many questions at once! Y/N could have a concussion." I heard Tenko shout. I'm guessing Kiibo asked me if I was okay.
"Tenko it's ok." I turn to Kiibo. "I'm alright." I said, smiling.
"Good!" He smiled back. I got up slowly and looked around the room.
"He took all of you too?" I asked.
"Unfortunately yes! Me and Himiko were working on the Magic Show." Angie replied.
"Magic Show..?" I questioned
"Ever since I found my research lab I wanted to perform. So me and Angie were working on it today until Gonta took us in." Himiko answered.
"Oh, I guess that makes sense." I looked over at Tenko. She seemed upset that Himiko was talking to Angie. I walked up to her and pat her on the back. She looked at me confused. "I'm sure they're only talking because of the Magic Show." She smiled and nodded.
"So when you do you think Gonta is coming back?" Shuichi asked. Everybody turned to face him.
"I don't know, he left right after he dropped you guys off." After Tsumugi said that, Kokichi came in.
"Aww... I see. He could only get some of you. It still works!" Kokichi snickered.
"What do you mean? Did you set this up!?" Kiibo yelled.
"Wait..." Gonta said last night that him and Kokichi had something planned!
"What?" Kokichi asked. "Is there something wrong Y/N?"
"You planned this! Gonta told me last night that you and him had something planned. Tell us what it is." I demanded him.
"It was a way of getting everyone's motive video! Gonta thinks it's just a dumb Bug Meet and Greet." Kokichi sneered.
"Don't be proud of yourself. I don't even know why he trusts you..." I muttered. It's so obvious Kokichi is tricking Gonta but Gonta doesn't see it...
"Gonta is back!" The door flew open. "Gonta is sorry he could not find anymore people for bug friends..." Gonta apologized.
"Gonta don't listen to Kokichi! He's tricking you to get the motive video- OW!" Kokichi cut me off by stomping on my toe.
"I'll be right back Gonta, I'm going to grab some stuff for the Meet and Greet!" Kokichi walked out of the room, leaving everyone helpless. Gonta looked over at us. He seemed... angry.
"Kokichi told Gonta that you no like bugs so Gonta teach you about bugs in Bug Meet and Greet!" Gonta shouted, sounding sure of his actions.
"Wait! Kokichi's tricking you!" It was too late. My voice got drowned out by the sound of bug's wings buzzing around the room.
After hours of suffering Kokichi finally came back. People were nauseous, tired, and most likely traumatized. Kokichi faked a frown and looked at the room.
"Aww... it seems they didn't like the Meet and Greet. Whatever! It's time for... motive videos!" Kokichi put the tablets down on the table. "I couldn't grab all of them but I tried my best." He grabbed one and as about he going to turn it on Kiibo interrupted.
"That's enough! I'm ending this." Kiibo reached behind his ear and an audio started to play.
"...Gonta thinks it's just a stupid Bug Meet and Greet!"
That was Kokichi's voice! Bless the lord that Kiibo exists. Gonta looks at Kokichi.
"Petal and others can leave, Gonta will take care of Kokichi." Gonta said sternly. After he said that, me and the others left. Once we closed the door all we heard was the buzzing and Kokichi screaming.
"Now that we got out of there, who's 'Petal'?" Tsumugi questioned, looking at the group.
"Oh! That's me. Gonta gave me that nickname..." I replied.
"He's given you a nickname?" Kiibo asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine with it though!" I answered. The group looked at eachother then shrugged.
"Well I think we should all go back to the dorms now." Shuichi reccomended.
"Yeah, let's go." All of us walked to the dorms together. When we went inside we parted ways and went inside our rooms.
Today felt really short. It's probably because I was knocked out for most of the day. Somehow I'm still extremely tired. Better get some sleep then. Goodnight world!

Hi! It's me, the writer. I hope you enjoyed this long chapter. 1519 words! I really got into this time. So I wanted a quick opinion. A while ago I came up with a Yandere Simulator X Danganronpa story. I already wrote out a whole script of who lives and dies. If you think it'd be interesting let me know! I really want feedback. That's all for now. Have a nice day/afternoon/night/Christmas!

Petal (Gonta X Reader) [FINISHED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora