Chapter 14- Spring Allergies

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She was dead. Miu was dead. It was all so upsetting for everyone, especially Kiibo. Miu was the closest to him. It was extremely depressing at first until Monotaro got upset as well. That just triggered my tears.


We all decided to ignore Monotaro and start investigating. Well, everyone except me. I wasn't really in the mood. I know it seems selfish and lazy but all of this happened so quickly, it just didn't feel right. Instead, I chose to go to the field.
I sat on the grass and messed with the flowers on the ground. I knew the investigation was going to take a while so I made a flower crown. To be honest, it was the best I've made even though I couldn't really see the colors. I'm honestly sort of proud of it. I put on the flower crown and got up.
"I should show this to Gonta." I said as I began to walk towards the building. Just as I was about to open the door, the class trial announcement went off. "Maybe later..."
I headed for the fountain under the dome and went through the entrance. After everyone arrived, we all made our way in the elevator. This trial made me extremely nervous for some reason...

Was this when the of love of my life betrays me..?

I shook my head. Quit thinking those things! I thought to myself. Now's not the time to think about that. I just need to focus on the trial ahead of me. As I fought with myself, someone tapped on my shoulder.
"Is Petal okay?" Gonta asked.
"Oh! I'm alright. I'm just.. thinking about things..." I answered.
"Okay! Gonta was just scared because Petal looked scared." Gonta smiled.
We finally hit the ground and poured out of the elevator. After a small talk we approached our stands. This trial didn't feel right without Miu making some snarky remark or inappropriate joke to start us off. After a few seconds of silence we finally began.

*Time Skip*

"I know who the culprit is!" Kokichi smiled.
"If you know then why didn't you tell us!?" Himiko whined.
"I would've, but you guys wouldn't have liked my answer." Kokichi smirked.
"Just tell us!" I demanded.
"Oh, you wouldn't like the answer the most!" Kokichi said. "But if you insist~"

"The culprit is...



What did he say?...

He didn't say... his name, did he?

Is this betrayal?

Is this heartbreak?

Is this the end?

Is this it?

Is this...

Is this....

Is this.....

That has to be a lie.

"Y-You're lying! That's a lie! He would never hurt anyone!!" I shouted.
"You wanted the truth and you got it! Why are you calling me a liar suddenly?" Kokichi teased.
"S-Stop! You are lying! Because- B-Because..." I trailed off. He wouldn't lie about this. I know he wouldn't. Because he wants to win. He wants to win this stupid killing game.
"You're lying... You're lying, you're lying, you're lying, you're lying, you're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! YOU'RE LYING!" I screamed.

Everything went blank. When I snapped back to reality, I had tackled Kokichi.

"G-Get off of me!" Kokichi struggled.
I tried to let go but I wouldn't let myself. I had Kokichi's wrists pinned to the ground. Slowly, I lifted up his body then slammed his head back down onto the hard, cold floor.
"AH! YOU BITCH!" Kokichi pushed me off of him. He looked at me in complete terror and disgust. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"
My body was trembling. I had no clue what was happening. I just wanted to go home.
"Bitch..." Kokichi muttered as he got up and went back to his podium. I did the same, still shaking.
I just need Shuichi to prove Kokichi wrong. Just trust Shuichi, all Kokichi does is lie.

Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie

*Timeskip again-*

"Y/N, why did you vote yourself?" Shuichi asked me.
"Because I refuse to believe that Gonta is the culprit." I said, looking down.
"Didn't Shuichi already explain? Gonta didn't the cords in the correct plug-ins so he lost his memory. We even got proof from his Alter Ego!" Kokichi explained, still upset from earlier.
"I REFUSE!" I screamed.
"Petal..." Gonta whined.
"I CAN'T LOSE HIM TOO! I ALREADY LOST MY SISTER, KIRUMI, ANGIE, AND TENKO! SO NOW I CAN'T LOSE HIM!" Tears were just streaming down my face at this point. I didn't hold back. I looked over at Monokuma "Take me instead! Someone dies either way, so kill me!"
"Ugh, fine! I wanna get this over with, this trial was too confusing." Monokuma complained.
"WAIT!" Gonta shouted.
"Whoops..!" Monokuma slammed the button with his hammer. "I knew this would happen so I prepared a special punishment for Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Florist!"
I waved goodbye and smiled as the chain grabbed me by my neck and pulled me away. The chain yanked me so hard it made the flower crown fly off my head.

*Third person POV*

Y/N was dragged away by Monokuma's dreaded chain, their flower crown flying off of their head as the they were taken away. They were plopped onto a large flower that sprayed pollen everywhere. Welcome to Spring Allergies, Y/N's execution!
The wall behind Y/N opened up, revealing a large pair of garden clippers. Slowly, the clippers began to open and close and chase Y/N. Y/N looked ahead to see a path of large flowers. They hopped onto the flower infront of them, causing more pollen to fly out everywhere. Y/N sneezed, their vision becoming more and more blurry due to the tears in their eyes. Ignoring the pollen they hopped from flower to flower, causing more and more pollen to spill out of the flowers. Y/N sneezed and coughed with every jump. Their vision was almost completely blurry but they ignored it, they were almost at the end.
They reached the last flower. It was almost over. If Y/N survived then they could spend the rest of their life with Gonta. Y/N stepped on the platform infront of them. They cheered thinking they escaped until...


Y/N was swallowed by the venus flytrap they had landed on. The execution had finished, Y/N was gone.


Petal (Gonta X Reader) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now