Chapter 1- Killing Game?

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"Augh!" I screamed as I fell out of a locker. "Where am I..?" I asked myself.
"Gonta not know either..." I looked up to see a large man standing over me. "W-Who are you!?" I asked him, worried that he might kill me.
"Do not worry! Gonta's name is Gonta Gokuhara. Gonta is the Ultimate Entomologist." He said as he helped me up.
"Hi Gonta, I'm Y/N L/N. I'm known as the Ultimate Florist." Gonta gasped and smiled widely. "Bugs like flowers!" He grabbed my hands and held them. "I guess they do." I replied as I smiled awkwardly. I thought he was going to crush my hands but it was surprisingly nice. It made my stomach fill with butterflies. We sat there like that for a while until Gonta broke the silence.
"Gonta thinks we should find more friends." He let go of my hands and looked at the door. "Yeah we should." I replied. We walked out of the room and explored the school. The entire time he held my hand, making sure I was safe.


Killing game...

After we looked for people, we stumbled upon the gym. There we were told by this black and white bear, Monokuma, that we were placed in a killing game. We have to kill someone to escape this hell house. Here's what the weird bear told us. When someone is killed, three or more people have to find the body for a discovery announcement to go off. Then we have to investigate for this "class trial". If we vote for the killer in the class trial, the killer gets... executed... as the others live. If we vote wrong, everybody but the killer will be executed while the killer gets to leave. I would think that no one would kill anyone but at this point I can't trust anything.
As I was having a freak-out session in my room, I heard my doorbell ring. I opened the door without any hesitation. Probably shouldn't do that next time...
"Is Y/N ok?" I look up to see Gonta towering over me. "I'm fine Gonta." As I was about to close the door, I felt it stop. "Gonta doesn't trust Y/N." Gonta busted in after saying that and closed the door behind him.
"Gonta, it's kind of rude to do something like tha-" Before I could finish my sentence, he bent down and wrapped his giant arms around me. I could feel my face grow warmer. "Gonta!? W-What are you doing?" I asked. He said nothing, he only hugged me tighter. After a few seconds of silence I finally gave in. I hugged him back. "Gonta is worried about Y/N."
"How come? It's not like I'm sick." I said. He let go of me and grabbed my hands. "When Y/N heard of the killing game, Y/N went pale. It scared Gonta." I looked down. He isn't wrong. I was scared for my life. I was scared for everybody. Were we going to die? I exhaled deeply and responded. "I'm ok, no need to worry." After I said that he let go of my hands. He hugged me one more time and wished me a goodnight, then he left. New experiences are definitely interesting.

Petal (Gonta X Reader) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now