Chapter 4- Another Motive

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*Hi! It's the writer. If you do notice that halfway through I change up the writing style. Like I said in the description that this is my first time doing this so I might not be that good. I'm trying my best though! That's all, have fun reading!*

Today was way more fun than I thought. Just thinking about it makes me...
"Ughh!" I shouted as I flopped backwards onto my bed. Anytime I think about what happened today I can't help but get all flustered.

"Gonta jealous of Petal hanging out with Shuichi..."

Was he actually jealous or was it just to get my attention? I don't know how to feel about either choice. Whatever, I should be going to sleep now, it's almost nighttime. Just as I got comfortable under the covers my doorbell rang. I don't trust it. Let me grab a knife, just in case. Quietly, I picked up the knife from before and approached the door. I opened it slowly and let out a sigh of relief.
"Hi Gonta." I greeted him and set the knife down. Before I could say anything he barged in. "Gonta?"
"Gonta is worried about Petal. What if Petal gets attacked again tonight?" Gonta said with a hint of worry in his voice. I grabbed his hands and looked at him. "I'll be ok Gonta. If you want I'll let you stay with me tonight." I told him. "Isn't sleeping in same room against rules?" He asked. "It should be okay. I'm sure we won't be caught." I reassured him. "Okay..." Gonta mumbled.


"Monotaro, watch out!"
"Well I'm sorry that your fat body was in the way!"
"Quiet down ya bastards, you're gonna get us caught."
"Fine, let me put the motive down."
"Monophanie, are you sure you're giving them the right video?"
"Quit asking questions! Let's get outta here!"


"Ugh..." I yawned. What time is it? I looked up to look at the clock on the wall. It's 6AM, new record. I tried to get up but I couldn't. As if someone was holding me down. Wait... didn't I invite Gonta into my room last night? If I did, then that means...
"He's the one holding me!" I shouted. Gonta began to fidget behind me. I should be quiet, I don't want to wake him up and scare him as well. What am I supposed to do? Should I just deal with it and hug him back or should I ask him to leave? I don't think he's going to let go anytime soon. He's holding me pretty tight. It's... nice. It's interesting being his Petal.
It was another two hours, the morning alarm finally went off. I couldn't fall back asleep. Anytime I did Gonta would continue to wake me up. It's not because he was being obnoxious but it's because anytime his grip would loosen, he'd tighten it. It kept me up. Was he trying to keep me safe or was he doing this unconsciously? I thought he would leave in the middle of the night but he didn't. So now I'm extremely confused.
"Gonta, wake up. It's morning now." I whispered. He opened his eyes and looked at me.
"Augh!" He yelled. Gonta sat up quickly and covered his face. "Gonta is sorry!" He apologized.
"Gonta, it's ok." I said as I slowly moved his hands. "It was just an accident, I wasn't hurt." Slowly, I placed my hand on his cheek.
"Gonta is still sorry... it was not gentleman-like." He mumbled. He put his hand over mine then looked over at me. I felt my heartbeat faster and faster as we slowly got closer to eachother. Just as it was about to happen.
I move my hand and get up. Once I open the door I hear the voice of the person I hate the most.
"Hii! Y/N! I need to speak to Gonta." Kokichi demanded in a happy tone.
"Gonta? Gonta isn't here with me." I told him, trying to lie.
"First off, you're a terrible liar. Second off, I saw Gonta go into your room last night and he never came back out." Kokichi stated. I was shocked that he knew that but also upset that he wanted to speak to him. I guess I was... jealous.
"Go ahead..." I mumbled.
"Thank you!" Kokichi busted in, almost crushing me with the door. Him and Gonta left after Kokichi dragged Gonta out. I didn't even get to say goodbye.
"I hate you..." I whispered under my breath. From the corner of my eye I saw a small tablet like thing. After closing my door, I approached the tablet and turned it on. A video started to play.
Back by popular demand, it's a motive video! Now who does Y/N L/N care about the most?
The most wonderous thing in the world to Y/N is spending time with their beautiful sister! They spent their time together putting together bouquets to sell to the people. Little does Y/N know, their wonderful sister has gone missing! I wonder what could've happened to her...
My sister... what happened to her..? What happened to my sister? What happened to my sister!?
"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER!?" I screamed. I set the tablet down and ran out of the dorms. With tears streaming out of my eyes, I ran outside.
"LET ME OUT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I collapsed to my knees. What am I supposed to do? Is she okay? How am I supposed to know...

Petal (Gonta X Reader) [FINISHED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя