Are you blood related or adopted?

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I'd like to start off by thanking...someone (I forgot their name and can'tfind the book) for giving me this idea. They created a story similar to this and seeing how there's none like it and it's a fantastic concept (and the fact that I'm a hopeless fangirl), I decided to make one too! If you know who it is, please tell me! Thank you!

I've tried my best to make this as gender nuteral as possible, but it's not perfect so I'm sorry if my mind slips back to fem! pov.

And yes. There will probably be cursing. Sorry if you don't like that.



-You're Giovanni's blood related child
-You came first
-You're 3 years before Silver
-Half siblings tho
-Older sibling gang



-Your adopted by ✨The Great Maxie™✨
-You were a baby when he adopted you
-The Team Magma grunts actually just found you and Maxie just kept you



-You were adopted by Archie and the crew
-Yes, even the entirety of Team Aqua is your family
-You have a lot of aunts and uncles...
-You were adopted when you were a baby
-Archie just found you on the coastline, fell in love, and kept you
-Yes he did check if you had parents or not, he's not a kidnapper



-You were adopted
-Cyrus calles it "taking the opertunity to teach a child [you] the wrongs of the world [emotions]"
-It is technically true, but he still adopted you either way
-You were 3 when he took you in



-Adopted, 100%
-This man has no patience for love, marriage, and pregnancy, just give him the god damn child so he can m̶a̶n̶i̶p̶u̶l̶a̶t̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶ take care of them and love them.
-Child manipulation only thing he'll have patience for
-You were found in the woods just like your big brother, N
-You were adopted at the age of 5



-You're blood related
-Congratulations, you have a dad
-But he's always out for his work
-Don't worry, he's not an absent father



-You're adopted
-He actually adopted from an orphanage unlike the others
-Prepare for all the Gucci you want, my friend
-You were 6 when he adopted you



-The grunts just found little 4 year old you wondering the streets and took you in
-You joined Team Skull before Guzma even knew of your existance
-When he found out, he wasn't mad at the grunts, just impressed that the grunts managed to sneak you past him
-Of course he took you in
-you now have ✨so manny siblings✨



-You're blood related
-Sadly, you're the middle child
-Don't worry, you're still loved



-You're blood related were an accident
-Doesn't mean that he doesn't like you
-He actually loves you a lot
-"It's like putting in a bit too much sugar in your tea, but it turns out to be the best tea you've ever tasted and you want more"
-Proudly straps you to his chest for the entire world to see


That was so much fun to make! Thanks for reading and please give me your feedback. It's always appreciated. Have a nice day/night!

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