First word(s) spoken to them

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What were your first words as a baby? Or if you were adopted, what was the first thing you said to them?



-Your first word was simple because you heard it way too much

You: "Ooo..wooo...wahhh..."
Giovanni: ?
You: "Wahk...Wock...Wocket!"
Giovanni: *Proud father noises*



-You wanted your dad to know that you were also smart like him, so you listened to his every word
-The result was you just telling him that you were smart

You: ""
Maxie: "Hm? Yes?"
You: *Frustration noises*
Maxie: Don't push youself...
You: Smar!
Maxie: "...! Who is smart?"
You: *Points to self*
Maxie: *Picks you up* "Yes you are."



-You're around a lot literal pirates
-They say a LOT of confusing stuff
-Archie had to actually sit down and teach you

Archie: "Okay, kiddo. Try again. Say Dada."
You: "Ahbaba"
Archie: "No, no...Dada."
You: "Ahbaba!"
Archie: "...Ahbaba it is."

-It only counts because that became your name for him



-You could already talk when he took you in
-However, your first words ever said to him were "Hello, sir!"
-It was just a greeting.
-But your first words after adoption?

You: "Thank you, Mr Cyrus...!"
Cyrus: "...Sure."



-You had no communication with humans for most your life
-You didn't know yow to talk when Ghetsis found you even though you were 5
-He got a Grunt to teach you
-He had walked in to check the progress when he heard your first word

Grunt: "Okay...please for the love of Arceus please just talk..."
You: *Angry child noises*
Grunt: "Say something, damn it!"
You: "NO...!"



-He had returned home for a bit to spend time with you and help you with talking
-It was a combined effort with him and his wife to get you to say something
-Colress decided to be stupid and try and make you say a bunch of science words

Mom: "Say Mama!"
Colress: "Say protolanguage!"
Mom: "No, Dada's just being silly. Say Mama!"
Colress: "I think they should say heliocentrism."
Mom: "Okay, smart guy. No science words."
Colress: "Alright, fine. Then how about you say Arceus!"
Mom: "NO-"
You: "Ahoo!"
Mom: *facepalm*

-It ended up just being "mama"



-The first thing you ever said to Lysandre wasn't even super big or important
-It was just a compliment

You: "I like your fluffy jacket."
Lysandre: "Thank you, young one."



-You were pretty excited to meet the big bad boss of team skull
-You made sure your outfit was nice on you (to a 4 year old's standards)
-When you meet him, he was just...blown away
-A kid.
-A literal small child.
-In his gang?

You: "Hiiieeeee boss!"
Guzma: "Why?"
Guzma: "Who let this small child In?"
Guzma: "I love it but who thought this was a good idea?"
You: "Do I have to go...?"
Guzma: *noticing fear/sadness in eyes* "...No."
You: *Happy child noises*



-Lusamine wanted your first words to be "mama"
-Your dad thought different and wanted "dada"
-But it was neither
-It was a word you heard often

Lusamine: "Gladion, go play with your sister."
Lusamine: "Oh my sweet little Y/n? Want to make cookies with Gladion and I?"
Lusamine: "Gladion! Get that out of your mouth, it is not a toy!"
Lusamine: "You're brother is being a pain today, Y/n. I hope you aren't going to be this troublesome when your sister is born..."
You: "Gadion!"
Lusamine: "...!"
Lusamine: "Oh my goodness HONEY COME QUICK!"



-Your parents had gotten divorced shortly after your birth and they had shared custody
-So your first words happened to be at your mom's house
-But not to worry
-She was kind enough to record it and send it to Rose

Mom: "Okay now, Y/n. Tell mama what you said again."
You: *Points to apple* "Ahppal!"
Mom: "Good job, baby! I'm so proud of you! Apple!"
You: *Giggles* "Ahppal! Ahppaaaaal!"
Rose: (Watching video) *Proud dad noises*


Lord it's hard to write things for Lysandre. He's kinda...kinda plain. I wanted to see more of him in game...and I wanted more content for him. I love the man. I gotta try to find a few things on him to make it easier.

If anyone notices mistakes, let me know! Tell me what I did right and wrong. It helps me improve my writing in the future!

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