Somebody To Talk To

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Deku!" Ochako let a sigh of relief, clenching her chest and she couldn't help a slight chuckle from escaping her.

"Uraraka! S-Sorry, did I scare you?" Deku asked, getting up from his seat, where she saw him wearing his usual sleepwear.

"Yeah, a little bit. I heard a voice, so I wondered who it was." She explained, dropping her hand from her chest.

"Oh, sorry." He rubbed the back of his head, slightly embarrassed. "I-I too heard a noise, so I called out. When no one answered, I thought it was just my imagination."

"Oh, I see." She chuckled, now a lot more relaxed knowing it was only her best friend. She then walked the rest of the way to the living space, finding a couple of notebooks and textbooks on the coffee table.

"What are you doing this late?" She asked curiously.

"Oh, umm... just doing some late-night homework." Deku answered, taking his seat again.

"Of course." She smiled. She always wondered how he could have so much energy to do these things. It really amazed her. But then, a thought came to mind. "Wait, how come you're doing it here instead of in your room?"

She saw him become stiff a bit before quickly relaxing and chuckling nervously. "Just... you know, just felt like it. A bit more space for me to work." He answered. Ochako could tell he was hiding something from her, but she didn't want to pry, so she instead gave a nod in response. 

"What about you? How come you're down here?" Deku asked. She should have known he was going to ask the same question back, but it still threw her off, causing her to freeze up herself, only this time, she couldn't recover from it. Deku's eyes grew before waving his hands in front.

"S-Sorry! You don't have to tell me. I-It's just..."

"No, no! It's OK." She quickly assured him. Now she felt bad in making him worry like that, but then again, he was always like that. Which was why she didn't want to tell him the exact reason for her being here. She didn't want to worry him more than he already was. "I, umm... I couldn't sleep. M-Must be the adrenaline from today's session. So, I thought I could make some tea that Momo had to help me sleep."

"Oh. Is she OK with that?" Deku asked with concern.

Ochako couldn't help but laugh at his concern. "It's OK. She insisted that anyone could use it at any time."

"Oh, OK. That's good."

"I could make you some as well." The words slipped out her mouth before she had the chance to stop herself. It was only looking at his shocked expression that she realised what she'd said. Her checks turned a light red, causing her to turn her head slightly away from him, hoping that the moonlight was not casted over her that could expose her.

"I-If you want... I mean..." She said quietly, wondering if he heard her at all.

"S-Sure... thanks." With his answer, she nodded before quickly making her way back to the kitchen space.

"Gosh, I'm hopeless." She thought. She always found herself getting fluttered whenever she was near Deku, especially since she had a secret crush on him that she intended to keep to herself. But it won't help if she blushed over simply asking to make him a cup of tea.

Once her inner crisis eventually disappeared, Ochako began to prepare the tea, finding two cups, and placing tea bags and boiled water in them. Afterwards, she added milk and one teaspoon of sugar, before mixing the tea and removing the tea bags.

"Looks like those tea lessons from Momo were worthwhile." She smiled as she took the cups and headed back to the living space, finding Deku engaged in his schoolwork.

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