A Shared Fear and Love

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Hey guys, I'm back! It's been just over a year since the last chapter and as I mentioned there, even though the story is marked as complete, I would post another one-shot if a new idea comes to mind. This was that time😁. This doesn't mean a upload schedule will return and be consistent, but this is what will happen from time to time.

Also, as I mentioned before as well, if you have any ideas of one-shots based around Deku, Uraraka, All Might and/or Inko, you can comment them here. Alright, enough chat, hope you enjoy! :)

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It wasn't a new sight for Ochako, seeing Izuku lying in the hospital bed unconscious with bandages wrapped around his arms, chest, and head. Hearing the beeps of the heart monitor give a steady beat. She just wished it wasn't a regular occurrence, finding herself sitting next to him, and patiently waiting for him to wake up. This was always the risk when it came to being a pro hero, but that didn't make it any less worrying.

She could remember the call she got from Todoroki after her afternoon shift. There was a hostage situation that involved many heroes and sidekicks including Izuku. At first, it was going well, with them being able to secure the area and remove the henchmen littered around and within the building. But then, it was discovered that the floor with the hostages was rigged with explosives and with them still inside, they were set off. Izuku didn't hesitate to hold up the floor for an extensive period of time to allow the heroes to get them out as quickly as possible. The operation was ultimately successful, but Izuku was severely injured in the process.

That was three days ago, and he still hadn't woken up.

The doctors assured Ochako that he would, and she wasn't entirely worried about that. This wasn't even his worst trip to the hospital after all. That, however, didn't change the initial fear she felt hearing the info and later, seeing it on TV. The panic that resided in her as she jumped on the first train she could, taking almost an hour to reach the hospital. The devastation upon being told she couldn't see him right away.

Even with the subsequent relief of seeing him injured but alive, all she could think about was the potential of losing him. Izuku wasn't even an official pro hero, only being a sidekick for almost two years. Furthermore, she had only been dating him for 4 months now, so even the thought of losing her boyfriend, let alone a future hero was becoming too much for her.

Ochako tightened her hold on his limp, scarred hand and stared at his heavily bandaged arms. She sighed deeply. "Come on, Deku. Please wake up..." She whispered, reaching her other hand to thread through his matted hair, pulling apart some of the knots within and being carefully not to activate her Quirk on his head.

She was so focused on that simple task, that the sudden sound of the door opening spooked her, causing her to yelp lightly. She turned her head around, thinking she would see the regular doctor for Izuku's check-up. Instead, her eyes grew at the sight of familiar, scared green eyes and just as similar green hair.

"Ms Midoriya?" Inko didn't reply to Ochako when she spoke. She didn't even seem to acknowledge her as she strode towards the bed, dropping her handbag as she cupped the face of her son, her eyes already watering up.

"Oh, Izuku! You told me you would be careful next time." She whimpered, brushing some rouge strands of his hair.

Suddenly, Ochako was feeling self-conscious about being here, removing her hand off Izuku's and closing in on herself. Feeling as though she was intruding on a private moment, she was about to leave, when Inko turned her attention to her.

"How are you recovering, Uraraka?"

"Huh?" Ochako raised her eyebrow, the feeling of ashamed whiplashing to confusion.

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