Ok she must have seen what I just saw (stupid telepathy). We were all looking at Sky and Jace who were whispering to each other. Then Sky looked up to see us staring at them and said "Um, we are going for a walk so I'll see you at Lunch." They both walked off. Luna looked at them anxiously. So I pocked her and said "She'll be fine. If she wasn't I would have seen it and you know it." She looked up at me and scowled and walked over to talk to Winfred and Rory and Wendell walked over to talk to us. As I talked to Rory, Hunter talked to Wendell. I asked Rory, "So did the Silver warfare at your school?" She looked at me and said "I did who did it here?" she looked around at the other two. "I did and Sookie had a leadership course to take at the same time," I said and smiled at her and she smiled back. The guys picked up on us smiling at each other and Wendell asked "Why are you two smiling?" He looked kind of confused it was very funny. Rory said "We both did silver warfare. So we have something in common, is that so wrong?" He smiled at her and shocks his head. Hunter looked at me then kissed me on the top on the head.

We all talked for a while after that. When Sky came back she looked like she was a fallen star that has found a way back to the night sky (or she looked like she was glowing which is impossible for shape-shifters only vamps can glow.). Wow she looked so happy. We all looked at her as if she was an alien from mars, she kind of was we had never seen her so happy (OMG she was going out with Jace) when Sookie heired my thought she looked at Sky a bit closer then it looked like she was listening to Sky's thoughts really closely. Then she gasped and ran at Sky and gave her a hug. That was when I realised my assumption was right. I ran at Sky and Sookie quickly stepped out of the way and I gave Sky a big hug when 

Luna realised what we were doing was congr1atulating her she came over to and gave Sky a hug too. "OMG I'm so happy for you Sky!" I said as soon as we were all done giving her a hug. She smiled at me. And Sookie said "Where is Jace by the way?" Sky replied "He had to go and get his time table for tomorrow". As soon as she said that Riley was coming towards us he didn't look happy. As soon as Quinn and Hunter saw him coming they came to Sookie and my sides so that we didn't do anything rash then Winfred put his arm around Luna's waist (ok there was something going on there that I didn't know about. But Luna tells me everything.). We saw Jace coming back and I threw his an frantic look and he picked up his pace as soon as he got there he had his arm around Sky's waist. The four of us wolves were covered so that we wouldn't attack the oncoming enemy on school grounds (just wait till I get him off school grounds I'll...... snap out of it Dixie!). Riley walked over to us standing only a few paces in front of us it looked like he knew he was safe because we all had guys holding us back (stupid stupid fool). Hunters grip on my waist tightened as Riley stopped, as if to restrain me further. Riley looked at Jace and said "You new tracker come here!" Sky growled at the remark and Jace said holding his ground "No." That made Riley mad and I smiled I had to hold back a fit of laughter and Riley said "Did you just say NO to me?" Yep he was defiantly angry. "Yes, I did something wrong with that?" said Jace taunting a little bit. That made Riley's follower's growl in frustration and disgust. I looked up at Hunter and whispered "I'll be okay. You can let go of me now." And I kissed him on the cheek. Hunter let go of my waist and Quinn, Winfred and Jace looked at him and Sookie, Luna and Sky looked at me expectantly. I walked forward so I was half way between Riley and Jace "Is there something you want, Riley? Or are you here just to annoy us?" I asked Riley. It was wired I almost sounded sweet and innocent. He looked at me in disgust as if I was a piece of dirt on his shoe and I had no right to talk to him. If anyone was above anyone I would be above him. "I'm here to take what is rightfully mine," he said and looked at Jace and so did I. I replied a bit more sarcastically and more me than before "Oh, you want Jace. Well, you're out of luck and Jace has already stated his claim on Sky and she on him." I looked over my shoulder to see their puzzled faces and I winked at them and turned back to Riley. He was furious now he stared at Jace as if he was a prize to be won and he had just lost. He looked at me and said, "Doesn't give you any right to him in the first place he is supposed to become part of the Tracker group." I snorted and so did some of the others behind me and I said, "He doesn't belong to anyone. First come first serve. And he chooses us. He could have walked away and gone to you but he didn't. Besides, you're not an almighty god you know you're a tracker, nothing more than a mixed breed and nothing more so if you don't mind you're intruding on our little gathering. And if you don't leave I will go to the teacher on duty and tell him you were threatening me again and that you are harassing Luna." He looked very frustrated with defeat as he walked away from us. As soon as he was far enough for me to be comfortable I turned around to find all my friends staring at me in shock. I just said "What?" and we all started laughing. Sky came over to me and Hunter after a few minutes and we were back to normal and Jace said "Thanks for standing in for me I had no idea what to say." Sky was smiling at me brightly and I shrugged and said "I made all that up on the spot and, besides, Riley deserved what was coming to him and that's not being able to control all the trackers and I didn't mean to offend you with anything I said and if I did I am deeply sorry." Jace looked at me shocked and nodded and Sky said "Thank you, Dixie, so much and thank you, Hunter, for letting her go and say what she did." She looked up at him and smiled and Hunter said "I was just hoping she wasn't going to jump and rip his thought out after she turned into a wolf in front of the teacher." I looked up at him and smiled his favourite smile. That was when Sookie called us to order and said "I have just got a message from the pack and I need to talk to all of the wolves in the woods stat." We all looked at her in shock and my brain snapped into action first I kissed Hunter on the cheek and grabbed Sky and she quickly kissed Jace on the cheek and we were walking forward as we passed Luna I grabbed her forearm and she grabbed Winfred's hand and hulled him along behind her and we all started to follow Sookie towards the woods as soon as there was enough space we spared into our large V with Sookie at the point and me and Luna flanking her. Sky was behind me and Winfred was behind Luna with Wendell and Rory behind Sky and Warren and Rosaria behind Winfred. We walked into the woods like that and people from the large area that we had just been gathered in stared at us as we walked away.

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