Kore smiled back, and gave a proper greeting. Demeter then found her place which would be next to Hestia, who had yet to arrive. Hestia's spot sat between Demeter and Hera. Kore quickly took her place next to her mother. Across the table, Poseidon sat next to Zeus. A chair sat empty directly across from Kore. She squinted and faintly carved in the back, was a name. Hades.

Kore looked down the long table as many filled their spots. "Is Hades going to be here?" Kore asked curiously.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up." Demeter snipped, as she took a sip of ambrosia from a golden chalice.

Kore sat in silence as her mother and the others gossiped about life. Gazing upon Zeus and Hera, who laughed and smiled. She could see it on their faces and in their actions. They were in love. A pang of sadness started to build within Kore. 'Am I destined to find someone like that?' She knew the answer. The fates had different plans. Her mother wouldn't tell her the truth, but she knew the last of the grand Olympian was hers to bear. Kore didn't want a child, she wanted love.

Finally, Hestia arrived and took her spot. The three Goddesses exchanged pleasantries before Demeter stood. She turned to Kore and motioned for her to stand as well.

"I am glad you could make it Hestia, and now that you are here I would like to formally introduce my daughter."

"Don't you think we should wait for Hades?" Hestia asked.

"I doubt Hades will come, she never comes to these."

Kore stood slowly, she didn't like being the center of attention. She could feel the gazes of the rest of the Gods watching what was happening. She wanted nothing more but to sink back into her chair.

"Hera, Zeus, Hestia, Poseidon; This is my daughter, Kore." Demeter introduced. Kore could see the pride in her mother's eyes.

Poseidon nodded and reached his hand out. Kore quickly grabbed his hand and shook it gently. His hand was rough and warm. She felt relieved slightly by his smile. She quickly moved on to Hestia who had short black hair like soot, from the great hearth. Hera reached out next. She was dressed in an extravagant gold dress and gold flower crown, Her short brown hair and smile were warm and comforting. Lastly, she turned to her father. He took her hand with a firm grip. Kore didn't like how Zeus stared at her. His gaze burned into her with a hunger. It made her uncomfortable and even though she tried to pull her hand away, Zeus held her hand firmly. Kore's heart began to race as he didn't let go. She didn't know why she felt this way; she wanted nothing more than to run.

"Kore, you have grown into such a succulent flower, like your mother." He mused, taking a step closer.

Before Zeus could say another word a loud bang rang throughout the hall. The giant doors had swung open and hit the walls. In strode a Goddess, dressed in all black.

"Oh good! I was worried you would have started without me!" Exclaimed the silver haired Goddess.

Kore took the opportunity to pull her hand away and scurry into her seat. Tears welled in her eyes, she couldn't wait for the night to be over.

Kore looked up to watch the Goddess loftily take the seat directly across from her. Hades gave a smirk, and a wink to Kore.

"Hades,' Demeter sniffed, "You are late. You would think that someone who doesn't get to see the grand halls of Olympys wouldn't want to miss out on the opportunity."

"Well I am here am I not? As for you Demeter, cheery as ever." Hades retorted, a laugh rang off her words. She reached within a pocket withdrawing a sharp blade.

Before Demeter could respond, Hera cleared her throat. She rose with Zeus, together they addressed the Gods and Goddesses welcoming them to the feast.

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