Draco's hand slowly slid from his chin down to his lap. "Don't thank the hat," Draco muttered. "It was you. It was all you."


Draco docked the boat on the private shore that I recognized- he had brought me here once before, in the fall. After he stowed the crocodile in an alcove of seemingly insignificant rocks close to the water, he and I lingered on the shore before starting our trek up to the castle, perhaps wanting to remain in our own little bubble for a while longer.

"Do you remember healing me here?" Draco said, looking out at the water.

I recalled the encounter he was referring to- after the duel when Norwood ruptured his eardrum, he brought me here to heal him in private. It was the second one-on-one encounter we had with each other.

"Yes," I replied, a hint of amusement in my voice, "I remember you being a wimp about me touching your ears."

Draco scoffed to himself. "You're the first person I've ever allowed to do that." The water rippled, lapping at the shore and just barely reaching his shoes. He added quietly, "You're probably the only person I'll ever allow to do that."

I joined him in looking out at the shore. The water really was quite beautiful. Whenever we were around the water, Draco seemed mesmerized by it.

"What is it about the Lake that captivates you?" I asked him, looking at the side profile of his handsome face.

"I read somewhere that water calms you," he replied. "I didn't believe it at first. But when I want to be alone I come here."

I understood what he meant. Medical journals confirmed that water had calming effects on patients suffering from anxiety. Not that I was qualified to diagnose Draco in any way, but it was quite obvious that he was dealing with pressure much greater than that of the average 17 year old.

I didn't want to pull him away from the Lake prematurely, so I asked, "Do you want to be alone often?"

There was that lovesick look in his eyes again. Draco was looking at me now, instead of the water- and a smile that was as pure as a child's spread across his lips.

"Not so much anymore," he stated.

As we made our trek up the grassy hill to one of the side entrances of the castle, it finally occurred to me to ask for the time. Draco held up his right wrist to glance at an extravagant watch.

When I heard the time, "Eight twenty," a guttural sound unbefitting of a woman left my lips.

"I have herbology in ten minutes!" I cried, hurrying into a run. Draco increased the pace of his stride to catch up to me.

"And I have charms," he hissed, like he didn't really care. "And slow down, god dammit- what if you start bleeding again?"

We reached the threshold of the castle, and he gripped my wrist, preventing me from going any further. "What's the rush?" He asked. From his tone it almost seemed like he was suggesting we just blow the whole day off.

It was tempting, but I couldn't allow myself to slip. "Are you forgetting I need top marks on my O.W.L.s to become a Healer?"

That seemed to convince Draco that he should permit me to go to class. I began to walk away, but stopped when he said, "I could walk you."

I turned, not sure if I was hearing him correctly. I was pretty sure I was grimacing.

"...Nevermind," he muttered.


I needed no materials for Herbology as my textbook and gloves were stored in the classroom, so I went straight to the greenhouses. Regardless of that, I ended up arriving just a bit past on-time, so Madam Sprout put me on spade-shining duty.

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