Please believe me!

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Wow a new chapter after 1000 years. I'm so incredibly sorry..

Eric's Pov

I laid in my bed with my girlfriend next to me. She read a book while I watched her, not realizing how creepy that was.

She turned her head towards me.
"Do I have something on my face?" She asked. I looked away. "..No."
She changed a lot, when I first met her she was the perfect girlfriend. Lovely, pretty, nice, adorable.. everything anyone could wish for.

But now.. She is the exact opposite.
"Hey Eric, I'm gonna go home. You know I have to meet my mother tomorrow. I should go to bed." she said looking at me. I nodded.

She pressed a kiss to my cheek, stood up and walked out of the room. I sighed. "..bye." I turned around, threw the blankets over me and closed my eyes.


I woke up at the sound of someone knocking at my door. I grumbled and turned around but it didn't stop. I sighed and got up. "Who would be knocking this early?" I put on my robe and opened the door.

"Bruce? What are you doing here so early?" He looked at me.
"Eric, it's afternoon you wanted to meet me." He said, laughing slightly.
I turned around and looked at my clock. 1:53pm Oh..

"Oh sorry. Come in, you know where the living room is. I'm gonna get dressed." He nodded and stepped in.
I noticed as he walked by how good he smelled. I quickly shock my head and walked towards my room to get dressed.

I put on a normal black hoodie and a blue jeans and went to the living room where Bruce waited on the couch. "So Eric, how have you been doing?" He asked. I thought for a minute.

Good? Not really..
"Hm.. Fine I guess." I said, probably not sounding convincing at all.
He gave me a look. "Eric, don't lie to me. What's wrong?" I sighed and sat down next to him, staring at the floor.

"You know Cassidy right?" I said.
"Yeah of course I know her, you're my best friend." He answered. These last two words did something to me. I don't know what it was but it felt.. weird.

"Mhm.. Well she changed, a lot. At first she was nice, never left without saying I love you, kissed me when she felt like it and stuff like that. But for about a month she is acting completely weird."

There was silence for a few seconds. "What's your definition of 'weird'?" He asked. "Y'know, barely showing any love, not saying I love you anymore..'' I felt my heart break more and more as I said these words. It was the truth and I knew it.

My bottom lip started to quiver and my vision was starting to get blurry. No, I can't cry in front of Bruce. Not right now Eric. Not now. God damn it.

A tear was slowly sliding down my cheek, making it's way towards my chin. Suddenly I felt two strong arms around my waist and looked to my right. Bruce had his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

I couldn't hold it back anymore and threw my arms around his shoulder, sobbing into his neck. He slowly stroked my back while I cried my heart out. "What did I do wrong? Am I not good enough? Am I too ugly? Am I too stupid?.." I sobbed trying to find a reason why she was acting the way she was.

Bruce looked me in the eyes, grabbing my hands. "Eric, don't you dare say such things. You are good enough. You are gorgeous, smart, funny, sweet, adorable, everything anyone could wish for okay? (A/N: Same goes for all of you.) I don't know what her problem is but I am going to find out. I can't stand seeing you like this."

I nodded and sniffled. A small smile appeared on my face when I realized what he said. "Okay.. and thank you." He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. We spent the rest of the day with watching TV.

After he left I changed into my pyjama and went to bed. I thought about what Bruce said earlier and couldn't help but blush. I quickly squeezed my eyes shut and fell asleep.


I heard an aggressive knock on my door and got up from my couch. I opened the door and saw Bruce with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Bruce? What's wro-"
"Cassidy! She's cheating on you! I saw it with my own eyes!" He yelled out of breath.
I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to.

"Don't say something like that. She wouldn't do that!" I argued. He sighed.
"She does. Please Eric, i saw it."
I shook my head. "No that's not true! Leave me alone!" And I slammed the door shut. "Eric I swear, I saw it!" He yelled through the door but I ignored him.

Bruce's Pov

"God damn it." I cursed while walking away. I left one last glance at the house and went back to the place where I saw her and some other dude.
Suddenly she walked past me and said hello as if nothing happened. She was probably on her way to lie to Eric..

I continued to walk until I saw the man who was with her. I sped up and grabbed his wrist, pressing him against a cold stone wall. "What the hell dude?" He said and tried to walk away but I grabbed his shoulders and put him back in place. "You and Cassidy are a thing right?" I asked in a dangerous tone. "Well yeah, what's the problem with that?" He answered.

So he didn't know it either. She was living a double life. I let go of him but he stayed where he was. "Eric.. Cassidy is cheating on you. Both of you." His eyes widen. "No she wouldn't do that." He laughed nervously. "Come with me, she's at Erics house right now." I said, offering to prove him wrong.

He nodded and we started walking. "I'm Matt by the way." He said quietly. I nodded, not really caring. We arrived at Erics house and I knocked on the door. It opened shortly afterwards and Eric stood there. "What do you want? And who's this?" He said looking at Matt. "Um.. I'm Matt." Eric nodded and looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"Since you didn't believe me. Here's the guy she's been cheating on you with. He didn't know anything. Or at least that's what he said." I explained. "Babe! Who's at the door? Why won't you come ba- Matt?!" Cassidy said showing herself behind Eric. "Baby I can explain." She said taking Matts hands.

He quickly slipped his hands away. "There's no need to explain you bitch." He said coldly. "Hey, I'm sorry man.. I didn't know it either." Eric nodded, tears forming in his eyes. Cassidy turned around. "Babe come on, you know he's lying." She said.

"Maybe he is, but I trust Bruce more than myself especially if the proof is standing right next to him." He snapped at her. She made a weird angry noise and walked away. "I'm sorry again." Matt said. "It's fine." Eric said at the edge of bursting into tears. Matt walked off in the other direction.

I looked back at Eric and as I expected, he bursted into tears wrapping his arms around my neck. I catched him and hugged his waist,  just holding him and whispering little things until he calmed down. I grabbed his hand and went into the living room with him.

We layed down on the couch with his arms around my torso, his small body between my legs and his head on my chest. I smiled slightly and stroked his hair until he fell asleep. I kissed his forehead and shortly after I drifted off into sleep aswell.


Woohoo a new chapter after.. 8 months or something?  I've been thinking of deleting this 'story' because it's so bad :'[ This might be the last part ever but I'm not sure yet.
I hope you still enjoyed this and thank you for reading♥

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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