"Fine. Now can u please come have lunch with me?" He said shaking his hand impatiently.

I reached up and grabbed his hand, my heart instantly picking up as our hands touched.

I watched Hunter bend over and grab my bag and the rest of my belongings. He slung my bag over his shoulder. "Let's go," he said walking towards the doors. "Later, Hazel!" He said blowing her a kiss. I giggled at how she blushed.

I couldn't blame her. Hunter was gorgeous. His dark hair and his bright blue eyes could make any woman weak in the knees.

I gulped as we entered the cafeteria.

Hunter and I were complete opposites. He was a social butterfly. He always wanted to sit in the cafeteria and have lunch with the rest of the guys on the soccer team. And me... well I wanted to sit in the Library with Hazel and read my book.

"Ay! Stone! Did you find her in the library again?" I heard my brother shout over the loud chatter in the cafeteria. Hunter was on the soccer team with my brother. That's how we became friends.

Let me break it down for you.

One time last year I had to stay late for a makeup exam. Fortunately I finished early. Unfortunately, Hazel had closed the library early that day and I was stuck waiting for my brother to finish practice. He was my ride home. I was pretty lucky our relationship wasn't the worst. We were actually quite close. Although sometimes he was a little overprotective.

Anyways, as I was watching the practice I accidentally got hit in the face with a soccer ball. Some guy had kicked the ball in my direction unintentionally.

The next thing I knew the guy came over to me and was apologizing as my brother way yelling at him. I couldn't focus though. It was Hunter who had kicked the ball in my face.

I was always the kind of girl who had her nose stuck in a book in the back of the class. I had never really focused on boys. But when I tell you that this man had completely knocked the breath out of me, I wasn't exaggerating.

Not only was he excruciatingly gorgeous, but he was nice. It melted my heart. I didn't have that many friends here... okay let's me honest. Hazel was my only friend. But she didn't count.

Hunter felt so bad that he sat out of practice with me, making sure I was alright. One thing led to another and now we're best friends. Turned out, we had lots in common.

"Shut it, Miller!" Hunter snapped back at my brother, carelessly wrapping his arms around my shoulders, snapping me out of my reminiscent thoughts.

Austin was sitting at the end of a long table. Hunter usually sat on the other end with all of the cheerleaders.

"Hey, James!" Paisley, one of the cheerleaders greeted me as we sat down.

"Hey," I mumbled, looking down at my lap.

The rest of the girls at the table smiled politely at me as I fidgeted in my seat.

"Would you calm down already?" Hunter whispered in my ear, unhooking his arm from its place on my shoulder and bringing his hand down to rest on my leg.

Was that supposed to calm me down?

I felt my cheeks heat up and I slowly looked up to make sure no one was staring.

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