Waking Nightmares

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Blank walls and dark skies

They stair back at me

They seem to mock my efforts

They laugh as I fail again and again

My mind races as I struggle on

Why can't I find you?

Sweet dreams or nightmares

Waking world or land of slumber

They seem to blur together

The edges fade to nothing

I stare at the wall

As waking nightmares fill my mind

Creatures climb from the darkness

And croutch just before the light

Their eyes glint red

Death seems written in their stares

I can hear their teeth nash as the snap their ugly jaws

The demons that haunt my soul

And slowly tear me apart

Arresting sleep before it can grant me its sweet relief

So I lay and ignore what I know must be false

But yet my mind yells at me to run from the monsters

And yet again my mind blurs reality and imagination

And yet again im forced to wade these

Waking nightmares

Thoughts of a Weathered MindΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα