Chapter 37: Featherless Q&A

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Izuku Pov:

We knocked on the door and were called in. I could see the people from UA was here and so were the two adult yagis. "Principal Vincent, we just wanted to come and reconfirm that we still plan to do the teaching we agreed to offer. Though some changes might need to be made as time moves on. Though we would like to see the classes we will be helping out before the day is over so we can go home." I said without looking at the others in the room. The Yagi's attempted to talk to me but Principal Vincent cut them off and agreed and suggested they go now since both UA Class 3-A & 3-B should be in a joint class right now. No one even gave the Yagi's a chance to talk. Principal Vincent just asked the UA staff to come along and we all moved to one of the classrooms.

3rd Pov:

Principal Vincent knocked on the door and walked in. "Hello students from UA. I want to introduce you to some of the heroes that have been gracious enough to donate some of their time to help you learn during your stay here. We have the Featherless team with us who are top heroes here in Germany and the entire EU. They have also earned their world hero designations as well. First, we have Vector who is Germany's #8th & EU's #23rd, Seth who is Germany's #7th & EU's #22nd, Void who is Germany's #5th & EU's #25th, Storm who is Germany's #6th & EU's #23rd, and the team leader Atlas who is Germany's #2nd & EU's #21st. They all have recently gotten their world hero designations as such haven't placed yet on those rankings. It's predicted that they will take all of Germany's top 5 ranks and EU's top 5 this coming ranking this year. As such, I suggest being very respectful of them since they are providing their free time here to help you." stated Principal Vincent. The class was shocked since they all now knew that Atlas was Izuku Yagi who was the missing brother of Izumi Yagi. The brother who should be quirkless but they all know Atlas has a quirk due to the Hero Killer incident. 

"Does anyone have any questions?" asked Principal Vincent. Then everyone's hands went up. They should have suspected that. "Questions about --" Izuku cut Vincent off and said allow them whatever questions. If the team didn't want to answer then they wouldn't. Principal Vincent just sighed at this. The UA staff and Yagi's had all taken seats in the room as well. 

Izuku then talked for a few seconds. "When I point you out, say your name and your question," Izuku said and then pointed out a kid with glasses on and engines in his arms. "Sir! Tenya Lida and I'll just ask the question everyone wants to ask so we can get it out of the way. Is it true that your Izuku Yagi the missing brother of Izumi Yagi?" he asked. Izuku just sighed and then spoke. "I'll make this clear now. Never call me yagi! But I sadly am connected by my disgusting blood with them." Izuku answered and people could sense the rage in some of his words. Luke and Kyle just gave him a tail to play with which confused anyone that didn't know why they did it. Kyle pointed towards a kid with red hair. "Eijior Kirishima! Question for Atlas, the media and the Yagi's said you were quirkless but we know from the Stain incident that you aren't? How do you have a quirk now?" he asked and this was a question the Yagi family, the Bakugo twins, Gran Tornio, and LeMillion wanted to know. 'Did he meet AFO?' they thought. "Ohhhh fun fact! Turns out the doctors I was taken to are complete trash. I always had a quirk from birth. This was looked into later on but turns out that they screwed up the test results in the lab and gave me someone else's results. As such, I was never born quirkless, and being told I was and bullied for so long and neglected made me mentally suppress it until I ran away and had an accident where I activated it. That's how I met my dad also." Izuku said realizing he mentioned his dad and knew they would ask. He could see the Yagi's have a certain look in their eyes at the mention of a father. 

Luke then pointed at a girl who looks like a frog a bit. "Tsuyu Asui but you can call me Tsu. How are you already a hero if you're the same age as us?" she asked. Luke decided to answer it instead of me. "We are all heroes already due to the German school system. The FHAE has a middle school with a similar name that has advanced classes. In these classes, you are taught high school material while in middle school. They also offer quirk training classes in that school for students to learn basic control quickly before hero school. Once we entered this school we had to fight current pro heroes and demonstrate our skills to earn our place. We didn't take the normal exam since we were applying for the advanced classes which teach college-level classes and is more dedicated to hero training. In the first semester, we attempt for our provisional licenses and then do work-study in the second semester and also the first semester of the second year. During the first semester of the second year, we take our hero exam and graduate if we pass. As such, we graduated two semesters ago." Luke said and everyone was shocked at our education level and speed at which we graduated. 

Soon the questions kept going until one person asked about Izuku's current family. This person was Neito Monoma. "I never got to meet mother or brother since they were deceased by the time I was adopted but I consider them my family regardless. My father is likely known by everyone in this room if you pay attention to world politics. My father is Hisashi Midoryia and I am Izuku Midoriya. Who can tell me who Hisashi Midoiya is? Anyone?" Izuku asked with a smirk on his face. The realization hit some of them but some were confused. Some staff from UA recognized the name though. Yaoyorozu raised her hand and I pointed to her. "He is the world's wealthiest man and the owner of the world's most powerful private military group Titan's who the UN and governments rely on to carry out missions that heroes can't or won't do," she said with some awe at who my father was. "You are correct and I am the heir to the companies and the private military group as well," I said with a smirk on my face. Soon after everyone calmed down Izuku saw a hand up. It was from Inko Yagi. "Yes?" Izuku said with some pain in his voice. Kyle and Luke just gave him a tail again which people were still confused about. "Are you happy with your life?" She asked with a bit of a shaky voice. Izuku just froze for a bit and then wore a sad smile and turned his head a bit towards the window so he didn't have to look at her as he spoke. "Yes, I have a father that loves me and friends that support me. I'm set to marry my two Fiances this year as well." I said as I gestured to Luke and Kyle for the last part who just got close and hugged me tightly in front of everyone. They rested their heads on my shoulders and looked at everyone daring anyone to say anything.

"I think that is enough questions for today. I will be willing to answer more another day but I want to go home and rest with my family and friends. We'll see you all after a while for some training." Izuku said as he just got up and left the room. The group soon followed as Leon said goodbye to Principal Vincent. "I'm assuming your at least content for now about his life Yagi's?" Principal Vincent said after the Featherless left. The Yagi's were just silent and Vincent just sighed. "You are free to attempt to reconnect with him but as I said in the office. He is also free to reject you and not make any attempts at reconnecting. I also suggest not to make any hostile approaches regarding his father because that is a surefire way to end any possible reconnection he might be open to though I don't know if he is even willing to reconnect anyway. Only time will tell." Principal Vincent said as he dismissed everyone. Soon everyone got up and left the room except Gran Tornio and Vincent. "Yes?" Vincent asked.

Gran Tornio looked around for a bit then asked his question. "Could you tell me where he lives. I'm sure I could find it after some searching on the internet but I would like to talk to him in private. I'm his grandfather and the idiot Yagi's never mentioned him to me so I didn't know he existed until they reported him missing. I would like to attempt to talk to him personally and at least talk to his father Hisashi Midoriya since I need to thank him for adopting Izuku." Gran Tornio asked. This shocked Vincent a bit. "You're not going to try and force him to reconnect?" Vincent asked. "No. They need to do that on their own. I'll give Izuku my views on the entire matter but if he reconnects that is up to him and him alone. The Yagi's can't force it or demand it since it's Izuku's decision alone. I just want to attempt to connect with my grandson who I've never had the chance to meet. I'll speak with Hisashi first and if he refuses to let me meet him then I'll respect his decision." Gran Torino asked and Vincent watched him for any lies. He didn't feel or see any and decided to give him his address. "He lives in the Titan's tower. It's where the Midoriya's main business operates out of and the Titan group as well. Featherless also started their agency there as well. You won't get directly to them since the guards and front desk will stop you first. Tell the front desk that Principal Vincent sent you to talk to Hisashi Midoriya and explain who you are and that you want to meet with Hisashi Midoirya and not Izuku Midoriya first before anything else. They should call Hisashi and explain who you are and he should be willing to meet you. If the yagi's go with you then a warning they might not walk away live. Hisashi knows everything about what happened Izuku didn't leave any details out according to Hisashi and he always wanted them dead for what they did." Vincent said as he gave Gran Torino the address and his private cell phone number also in case he had a problem getting a meeting with Hisashi so he could call and talk to them for him.

Hero of Reliance: AtlasUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum