The curse of a miracle

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Unknown POV

I felt my eyes open. To be perfectly honest it felt wrong. A light was shining on me so the turned my head, letting out a moan of exhaustion.
I stared around the room I was in. It wasn't my room. But I felt like I knew it. Like a scratching feeling that comes from the back of your head when you see,smell,taste,hear or touch something you used to know.....but somehow forgot.

What was it that I forgot?

The room was white,and seemed to reflect the light from the sun. Gold leaves and flowers decorated the beams and entry ways of the room. A marble desk sat in the corner, dirtied from papers and what not.
I sat up and looked at the bed, it was large and also white with gold. I slipped the bedding off myself and took a step on the marble floor.
I continued to scan the room. It had three walls. The fourth was one large window that gave a view of a Paradise that you could only see in your most pure dreams. It was unexplainable.

A knock brought my attention to the door.
A woman came in, holding a tray of sorts. She was kind looking. greyish blue eyes, fair skin, brown hair and wrinkles only one could get from smiling to much.
"Your highness, breakfast is ready." Her voice was soft, and her smile was kinder then I thought.
"T-thank you." I walked towards the woman as she sent the tray on the desk, after pushing a few papers around.
"The festival is tonight, we must find something for you to where." She walked to a wardrobe and began to sift through it, occasionally pulling a dress out but then shaking her head and put it back.
I looked down at the food. It was egged with toast, with a side of pomegranate.

Pomegranate. Huh.

I took the fork and cut off a piece of the egg and began to eat as the woman continued to find a dress.

"Ah! Here we are!" I turned to see the woman holding a beautiful white and red dress that made me double take. Wasn't the miracle box-

"Come. It's time to get ready."


The dress felt as if I always worn it. So familiar and safe. And I was right. It had the same design is the miracle box printed onto the fabric. My hair hung loose and seemed to be longer and wavier. On my head was a crown with multiple colored gemstones but one white gem in the center.
I followed the woman down a long hall. As we got closer to our destination I could hear laughing and music.
"This is where we part." The woman said as she stood in front of a large door. I stared at it for a moment but was drawn back to the woman as she giggled.
"Don't worry, you've only met them before."
I nodded and turned back to the door. I put my hand on the wood and pushed. It opened.

Colors of  all kind were worn on the dress and suits of women and men as the danced to the music. Some people laughed and clapped as the watched the dancers glide on the dance floor as if was second nature.

Trumpets echoed as the music stopped. All eyes were on me now.

"Your rôle highness! Queen of miraculous!"

The people cheered and smiled at me. They were Familiar, the faces but at the same time my brain just wouldn't connect the dots.
I bowed as if it was rehearsed, but it felt new to me. They bowed in return. The music began again and people stared dancing.
I walked down to the crowd and children began to hand me flowers and kissed my cheeks. I smiled.
I woman caught my eye. Red hair with black. Light skin. Blue eyes and freckles.


The red head laughed as she watched a dark skinned man wearing black with a green tie dance with a equally dark skinned woman with orange and white hair. The two were also laughing and seemed to be messing around like children.
"Plagg! Stop stepping on my feet!" The orange haired woman laughed. The red head walked over dragging a nervous looking man wearing green as she laughed.
"Go dance with your girlfriend wayyz!"
The group was joined by more people and seemed to be family.

"Lovely night." I turned to see a tan man. He was handsome. Green eyes and dark hair, he seemed to be related to the other green eyed man with the group. He had a dark grey suit on. He was holding an apple. Red as blood.

"Yes,it's beautiful." I responded honestly. He smiled as well.
"These seem to get better and better every time. Much happier." He spook calmly as he bit down on the apple. I nodded.

The lights flashed again in my eyes.

And everything was in ruin.

Screams could be heard all around as I frantically looked around. Tears seemed to be falling as I called out to no one in particular. People cried and screamed for their loved ones as they ran from the party.

Black smoke flew above the fire.


I saw him. His eyes burning into my soul as he walked to me. He smirked and grabbed my arm.
"Ah. Queen of miraculous. I'm honored."

"DONT TOUCHE HER!" It was the red head. She held a yo-yo in hand as she glared at the man in all black and silver. He glared back at her but then smiled.
"Tikki of the ladybug stone, your even more powerful in person."
"Super cube isn't gonna like that~" the man named Plagg said as he walked up next to Tikki, twirling a staff.
"The two hero's! Here to save your queen!"

Why can't I move?!

I looked down. Black goop seeped from the the floor and stuck to myself and the man. The goop traveled all over the floor of the party, trapping all the hero's as the fought against the men made from shadows and smoke. The hero's froze and slowed began to disappear into the smoke the was in closing us in the dance room.

"You won't win." I whispered. He smirked and touched my cheek.

"Oh Marinette.......i already have."

I screamed as I woke up. Sweat formed on myself as I began to cry.
My door opened and Damian stood there, looking as if he ran here.

"Marinette? What's wrong?"

I cried even more. He came up over by me and began to hold me. I held him back and cried.
"Shhhhhh. It's alright. It''s going to be fine."

" it's not. They died."

He Looked confused for a moment but shrugged it off.
"I'll go get grey-"

"NO! Please just stay." I grabbed his hand. Our eyes met.

"I'll stay."

Boom baby new chapter!!!!!!!!!

The miraculous holder in GothamOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant