Forgotten memories

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Again this is the second part from the first 'forgotten memories' chapter. Sorry😭

Marinette was getting stronger. She could feel it. Ever time she used her Guardian powers, the light that covered her, that used to be a light shade of pink like Tikkis, was now a passionate red color.
Master Fu, who was getting older, was teaching her all about the history of the gods and miraculous, this of course took all day and she needed to work in the café so she didn't go to school. Tikki and Plagg went to school though because of a customer saying they were to young not to, even though the two gods were as old as time itself.

"Marinette you are making more progress than intended, it is now time to complete your training as a Guardian." Master Fu informed the young 15year old. She had been training under him since she was 13, and for some reason, she had completely dominated all the test that her master had given her.
She was the perfect prodigy.

"Master, Do you really think I'm ready?" Marinette squeaked out, shocked to here this. What Master Fu had told her about the Guardians, it took years and years to even come close to were she was, "Marinette, I have nothing left to teach you. You know everything that I was, and all Guardians, are taught."

All the tiny gods flew into the room, laughing and cheering, "We will have a big ceremony for your graduation as a Guardian, it will be so much fun!"

Marinette was dressed in a traditional Tibétain robe that the guardians wore. It was red, decorated with gold and gems.Tonight she would finally become a Guardian and will receive her tattoos that would help her use the power inside her, without hurting or killing her.

All the gods huddled around Master Fu and the miracle box, Marinette walked to him and kneeled down.
"Marinette Dupain-Chang, you have completed your training as a Guardian of the miraculous. Do you promise to protect the miracle box that I am trusting you with?"
"I do."
"Do you promise to keep the knowledge of the past, present and future of the miraculous only to the Guardians?"
"I do."
"Than by the order of the Miraculous, you are a Guardian." Master Fu dipped his finger into a red paint. He painted the symbol of the miracle box on to her forehead, "I now introduce, Marinette Guardian of the Chinese zodiac miracle box, holding the ring of the cat and the earring of the ladybug."
Everyone cheered as the paint glowed pink.
End of flashback:

Marinette loved that memory, she always thought back on it when she was sad. So much joy back than.
It was time to close for the day. Marinette walked to the back to throw the garbage away when something Surprised her. A bleeding Robin.
"Oh my gods." She ran to him. He was breathing. She pulled him into the Café and stared to run around, trying to find something to stop the bleeding.
She hadn't seen this much blood since...

"Chat! Run!" Ladybug yelled,Hawkmoth was too quick. He stabbed him. Chats eyes grow big as him pulled back, hands on his side trying to stop the overflow of blood. He had stabbed right through him.

"Chat! Please don't die, I need you, I- i... i love you chat. Please don't leave me alone." His head lay in her lap, no luck charm could fix this.
"M-My lady? Do something for me.."
"Yes! Yes, what is it my k-kitten?"

"Take my not going to need it anymore...."

"Chat?Chat!No, please wake up! Please."

Bye bye little butterfly.....
End of flashback:
She wasn't going to lose him too.
She put her hand over his stab wood. Her hand began to glow red and the sigh of the Guardians shown brightly as she held him.

Not like Chat. Never again.

(Sorry this was a sad chapter but it had to be done even though I started crying when writing😭😭😭 peace out my people.)
Ps I kinda see a doctor strange kinda thing when they uses their Guardian powers.

The miraculous holder in GothamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora