Forgotten memories

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Damian Wayne is a man to fear.
At birth he was trained in the League of assassins to be their leader, at 10, he was introduced to Bruce Wayne and became his Robin. During a battle, Damian died but was brought back by the Lazarus pit and continued to be Robin. Now at the age of 19, he has killed more then humanly possible and will become the head of the Wayne family when his father passes and will become Batman.
Nothing scares him.

Except for this family.
Who were these people? How do they have powers, are they Meta-humans?

Damian sat in the small café that the family owned. it was a nice place, quiet,and had lots of Tibetan in Chinese themed things that seemed to put a splash of color in the gray city. The young girl worked at the counter, taking orders and yelling at the little boy that would try to steal some cheese.
"Hi! I'm Bridget, can I get you anything? My sister can make almost anything!" The little red headed girl asked Damian who was shocked at how well she spoke English taken her older sister had a French accent.
"Um a coffee, black, would do just fine thank you." Damian replied with a smile. Stupid Drake, you got me into this black liquid.
The little smiled and ran to the young woman. In about 3 minutes flat, his coffee was in front of him, "Any thing else I can get for you sir?" Damian was expecting the little girl but her sister had brought his coffee over instead.
He took a long look at her, she was stunning. Her hair was like the midnight sky with out a moon, her skin was like snow, and her eyes, oh those Blue bell eyes, it looked as if she was not from this earth.
"No, that's alright thank you miss.....?"
"Marinette, Marinette Fu. And you are?"
"Damian, Damian Wayne."
"Well it was very nice meeting you,Damian." She put out her hand and he shook it, a chill swept through the two as soon as they touched. Damian pulled away first, Marinette smiled, "it was very nice meeting you as well, marinette." Damian muttered and took a sip of his coffee, hmmm, not bad.

Damian continued to watch marinette work.
She reminds me of  someone....


Damian Al Ghul walked through the halls of the League of assassins headquarters on infinity island. As he walked he was stopped by a painting he had never noticed before.
"Ah, I see you have found the painting of the guardians of the miraculous." His grandfather asked him when he caught Damian starring.
"Miraculous grandfather? I don't understand." Damian admitted feeling ashamed for not knowing something that seemed important.
"The miraculous are powerful and magical stones made to hold and Harness the power of gods, the two most powerful are the earrings of the ladybug, goddess of luck and good fortune, and the ring of the black cat, god of destruction and despair, when the two are combined it makes a power that could destroy the world as we know it." His grandfather pointed to a woman, her kimono was in red and black, she was beautiful and strong looking seeing that the battle in the painting seemed to be in her favor.
"Are there move then just the earrings and ring?" Damian Asked seeing move people on the woman's side in masks like hers.
"There were more, a long time ago, but something happened at the guardians temple many years ago, destroying everything except for the box with the ring and earrings were in."
"Do you know were they are, who has them?"
"An old friend."
"Please grandfather, tell me more of these guardians and their power."

" The guardians artist power that is unknown to many people in this world, to most actually, they are healers and powerful fighters, so powerful that one very powerful guardian killed a planet, making the moon. Their power is from something that no one has seen in millions of years, that same power made the Lazarus pit.

"Their was once a whole city of them, ruled over by a king who was the strongest of them all. I met them once, the royal family, kind and true.
Their daughter is the ladybug in this painting.
They say that ever miraculous holders spirit is transferred into their successor. how you can tell, is by their eyes. Eyes that have seen the beginning of time."

End of flashback:
The idea of this family, being the last guardians, was very high. Damian could feel the magic that was being pushed from them, even the plants, that had been dying outside, had come back to life and not once did any of the family members water them, Damian had been watching them from the first day they came here.

His phone began to buzz, snapping Damian out of his thoughts.
"What do you want." He hissed into the phone.
"Wow! Is that how you greet everyone when they call you?" Dick Grayson chuckled on the other end.
Damian rolled his eyes, "again, Grayson, what do you want."
"We found some intell on that girl, and her family, better come over quick."
Damian got up fast, he than turned to marinette, "I don't really do this I have your number?"
Marinette smiled, "here, give me a call."

Damian sat at the bat computer with the rest of the family, looking at the knowledge they had on the girls family and her.
"She's absolutely clean, nothing out of the ordinary.
"Marinette Fu: born and raised in Paris, lived with her mother, father and two younger siblings Bridget Fu and Felix Fu. Parents died in a car accident 3 years ago and lives with her elderly grandfather, Chan Fu.
"No police reports,no criminal record... not even a speeding ticket!she's clean." Tim said as he typed away trying to find a hole in her story but finding none. He sighed, "Maybe it was moonlight Damian."
"I know what I saw and it wasn't normal." He hissed back.
"Does this family even have a normal?" Stephanie muttered under her breath.
"I'm going to go patrol." Damian said as he walked away from the family who were still trying to find that hole.

Robin saw the same thing happen again that night, a glowing light covering the people than darkness, more talking in Tibétain than they slept. But the girl, marinette, her light was getting redder than the pink he saw before.
'She's getting stronger.' He thought as he watched the angelic woman sleep.
Sleep well, angel.

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