A new hero

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(Omg! 2k readers! Thank you all for sticking with me❤️)

Marinette smoothed the fabric of her Gotham academy uniform. She was mentally gagging at the hideous color and fabric, like, really? It was a rich school, can't they get appropriate uniforms?
"Miss Marinette? It's time for breakfast. Are the little ones up yet?" Alfreds kind, British, voice called through the door. Marinette sighed and looked to the extremely large bed that the three of them slept in. Her, tikki and Plagg, always together but now she was going to be moving into the dorms at the school, same as Damian.
"My kittens," she cooed to the two children in the bed, still fast a sleep, "I'm leaving, wake up so I can give you a hug!" At this the two gods jumped up and ran to her, almost knocking her over.
"Please don't leave!" Tikki cried to her, she buried her little head into marinettes side.
"Can't you stay?" Plagg asked her with the same sadness in his voice. Marinette crouched down to their level and pulled them into a loving hug, " don't worry, I will visit anytime I can and Bruce said you can visit me. We will always be near."

Damian and Marinette were driven to the campus and dropped off with their luggage, which was mostly Marinettes since Damian already had his things in his dorm. Damian decided to help Mari unpack and claimed that he was being 'forced' too by Alfred.
"Were should this go?" He asked the bluenette, holding a few books.
"Ummm, on the shelf maybe? Or on the desk...." Damian didn't even listen as he walked to the shelf's and started stacking books. He went back to the box and picked up a picture frame. A boy, no older than he, with blonde hair and green eyes was in the picture with what seemed to be a younger Marinette, kissing her cheek. Something hurt in his chest as he looked at the photo, he turned it over to see a little message.

To my other haft, the moon to my sun, my fire to the water.
My lucky charm.....too my cataclysm.
Love, Adrian❤️(🤮had too I'm sorry)

Damian felt like breaking the photo but he saw how happy Marinette looked, he hadn't seen her this happy before.
"And.....this?" He asked her as he held up the picture frame. She turned to see him and instantly became red with embarrassment, "um......o-on....the-the bed... side table.....please." She stuttered as she looked down sheepishly. Damian nodded and set it down, he glared at the photo for a minute than continued with unboxing.

By the time the two were finished it was time to start their first class, " God's, who knew unboxing things would be so hard." Marinette laughed. Damian raised an eyebrow, "did you just say 'gods'?"
Marinette laughed even harder at this, "oh yeah, well even since I found out about tikki, Plagg and the others being gods I just kinda.....switched?" She said with uncertainty. He nodded and continued to walk to the class. Bruce had put the two together in every class, 1; for Marinette to be able to find the classes quickly. 2; he wanted Damian and her to get along.

"Miss. Hunter, this is Marinette. She will be staying with me and my family and is new." The short woman looked up, clearly bored out of her mind. She put on a fake smile and gestured to the empty seat in the back. Damian followed at sat next to her. She could see he was as, or more, bored than the teacher.
"Thank you Damian, for showing me around." He smiled back at her and nodded. Scoffs could be herd around the room from the females of the class.
"You're going out tonight, aren't you?" Marinette asked him as they existed the class.
"I'm going to, Yes." Damian replied as they walked to the next class. She stopped and jumped in front of him.
"I wanna help!" She had that unmissable glow in her eye, not from the magic but from her mischievous side. Damian was shocked but of course he covered it with a very protective glare.
"No." He growled out. He grabbed her arm and dragged her to the class. She huffed like a spoiled child and sent daggers into the back of his head. As they entered the room Damian soon realize that now, they were holding hands. His cheeks got hot but put on a glare and dragged her to their seats.
"Thanks for the pull, big brother Damian." She smirked. Oh, she is pure evil. Damian though to himself as he put his head on the desk. It's going to be a long day.

"Yep!" She replied, still smirking.

"Please Damian!"
"Out of the question!"
"But I wanna help!"
"And I want peace and quiet when working!"
"Just let me prove myself!"
Marinette look at the now dead inside Damian. They had been fighting about letting her become a hero,well, again. Of course, she won.
"Yayyyyyg!" She yelled, throwing her hands into the air. Damian smiled at her cuteness, she really was a ball of sunshine.
"You can wear that outfit you introduce yourself in when you met my family, name?"
She sat back down and thought for a minute than, like a switch just turned on, she smiled and looked straight at Damian in the eye.
"What?" He asked her. He was clearly uncomfortable by how close they were.
"Guardian! It's perfect." He had to admit, it was perfect.
"Guardian huh? Sounds good." She seemed to glow even more at that statement, she even caught the attention of some of the boys in the class. She was a pretty girl, but something else was making them all stare helplessly at her, she was Bruce Wayne's new kid.

"Alright, lets go." Robin and Guardian jumped out the window of Damian's dorm. They began to run across the rooftops of the house and building heading towards Wayne Enterprise. Something caught Robins eye, the Signal. He changed his root and Guardian followed close behind.
They dropped down and were met by Batman and commissioner Gordon.
"Robin and.....who's that?" Jim asked pointing to Guardian. She stepped forward and put out her hand, "Guardian."
He took her hand and shook it, "Jim Gordon, Commissioner Gordon. You really can't stop can you Batman." He asked with a laugh, applying that indeed, Batman had too many kids.
"She needed a home." Batman replied in his deep voice.
"Right, anyway. Joker is back so keep an eye out."
"Of course, thank you again commissioner." Than the three were gone.

"Why is she here, Robin."
"I want to help, Batman. I have training and I already was a hero." Guardian spoke up, angry that she had been ignored.
"This isn't Paris, Guardian. It's Gotham." Batman replied crossing his arms.
"Believe me, I know. I'm going to help, just let me prove it." She pleaded, Batman sighed.
"One week, than we will see."

(Sorry I've been gone so long, hope your have a great day!)

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