- 16 - Lack of a Lesson

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I decided to start a journal. A journal to write about my feelings. Or life events. Or whatever.

What do I write about? I've never written in a journal before.

So I opened a new browser window and searched "personal journal prompts." I got more results than I needed, but I figured I'd just take them now and make a list. I wrote all the prompts out and numbered them. What prompt should I write about first? A number generator. 74. How well do you take criticism? Funny, not well at all. That's not too hard to start off with, I figure.

December 7, 2009

How well do you take criticism?

Not very well. Not very well, especially if I put a lot of time and effort into the thing being criticised. Or how much I care about it. How well do I take criticism about how I do the laundry? Fine, I guess. It doesn't really matter how I do the laundry, at least, not in the long run. That doesn't matter. How well do I take criticism about an audition song? Yeah, probably not well. That matters to me, a lot. I know constructive criticism is how you get better. But let's be honest, who wants to have someone pick apart something they worked hard on? It's like, "Cool you practiced this everyday for 3 hours for an entire month? It sucks." No one wants to hear that. I guess it really depends on what the person says. "I see you really worked hard on this song. I enjoyed your interpretation on the chorus, but I would love to hear more vibrato." Let me acknowledge the work you did, praise something, and then constructively criticise something else.

Now don't get me wrong, I would love to not have anything criticised. Wouldn't it be so much easier if everything was just perfect the first time around?

I suppose I could criticise how I take criticism: don't take it too personally. It's probably there because the person cares about the work I put out. How can I ever get better if there isn't anything to work towards?


We kind of hit a momentum lul in Glee Club. I mean, I still feel like Thanksgiving was yesterday and we're still off school. I wish we had another break. This period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the worst. At least I know I'm not alone in that feeling. You can tell everyone's worn out, teachers included. That's why Mr. Schue didn't assign us any particular lesson. He just told us to do whatever, sing whatever, practice whatever. Although, I guess if you think about, doing whatever is the lesson. The lesson is to do whatever you want. The lesson is the lack of a lesson. Crazy.

Not so surprising at all, Rachel practiced scales and breath control. It's nauseating how much she practices. I mean, does she ever get tired? She's definitely a technique suck up. Puck notably did absolutely nothing. Like, even more nothing than usual. Mike and Brittany worked on dance moves. Quinn was drawing in her notebook. Santana... I don't even know what Santana was doing. I think Mercedes, Tina, and Artie worked on other homework. Actually, Finn was also doing homework. Kurt was designing the newest fashion trends. That left me. I had some homework to do, so I started there. But after I finished that measly amount of algebra homework, I decided to look up fun songs. Still, it was a pretty chill day. Maybe tomorrow I'll get Kurt or Mercedes to work on technique.


I did end up working on technique with Kurt and Mercedes, but that was definitely not the highlight of my week. Okay, there wasn't really much of a highlight at all. It was honestly just a pretty chill week. School was school. Glee Club was Glee Club. Homework was homework. Slushies were slushies.

No. There was a highlight. Mr. Schue mentioned holiday activities for next week since it's our last week before break. We decided to make a holiday corner in the choir room, one that represents Christmas and Hanukkah. We also made a list of Christmas and Hanukkah songs to sing, as well as fun activities and games from each tradition. Next week was sounding like it would be pretty fun. Maybe the popular kids won't hate us as much. Or if they do, maybe they cover us red and green slushies to go with the holiday vibes.

A/N: Short chapter, I know. Can you tell it's a filler and I had no good ideas to write about? Next chapter is a little longer with some plot. Stay tuned 

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