- 19 - Gaga

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"I think we should start to think about songs for Regionals, but I'm not quite ready to work exclusively on that. So, this week's going to be a tribute week to Lady Gaga." We cheered. "I want this to really get you guys excited for Regionals."

"Speaking of Regionals," Rachel chriped. "What's this year's theme?"

"That's a great question, Rachel. The theme this year is classics."

"That's why we did Journey last week," Finn thought aloud.

"Partly, yes. I like Journey. They have a lot of good songs, and I think some of them could be really good on our setlist." He paused and threw his arms around. "Anyway, we're not gonna focus on that right now. I'm going to put you all into random groups this week. Each group should pick one song to work on to present Thursday. I'd like to do another group number on Friday." He looked around the room, each of us nodding in approval. "Alright... group 1 will be Santana, Tina, Puck, and Mike. Group 2 will be Juliet, Brittany, Rachel, and Artie. That leaves Kurt, Mercedes, Quinn, and Finn in the last group."

"This should be interesting," I muttered under my breath. Everyone stood up and sat with their groups.

"I really like Gaga," Brittany said. I smiled and nodded back, agreeing with her.

"What are you all thinking?" Artie asked. "I feel you guys will have better ideas than me."

"That's not necessarily true, Artie," I replied. "Everyone's ideas are welcome."

Right after I said that, Rachel started her daily monologue. "There are a number of Lady Gaga songs we could choose for this assignment. I think some possible options could be 'Bad Romance,' 'Poker Face,' 'The Edge of Glory,' 'Born This Way,' 'Applause,' 'Paparazzi,' 'Te--"

"Okay, I'm pretty sure that's every song she's ever written to date," I interrupted.

"There are a lot of good songs to choose from," Brittany said.

"We should probably narrow those down and pick one before the other groups take them," Artie added.

I nodded. "Yeah, I agree." I thought for a second before speaking again. "What do you guys think between 'Applause' and 'Paparazzi?'"

"I do think those are two good options," Rachel started. "And both of those are very relevant to my vocal ambitions. I think I could do either of those as a solo and it would sound good. The names work well with gold stars too."

"Who said you're soloing?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm the lead in the club. All solos should naturally come to me first."

"Mr. Schue!" Santana shouted. "We're singing 'Poker Face!'"

"Great! Thanks, Santana."

"What about a duet?" Brittany asked. "Then both of you could sing, and it would sound really good. Both of you have nice voices."

"Thanks, Brittany. I think that's a good idea."

"I agree," Artie added.

"Well then," Rachel said, clearly annoyed. "What song shall we sing then?"

"I think Rachel and Juliet would be best singing 'Applause,'" Artie decided.

"Yeah!" Brittany agreed.

Rachel nodded, but I spoke. "We should get working, then."

"Mr. Schuester," Rachel called. "We're going to sing 'Applause.'"

"And we're going to sing 'Bad Romance,'" Mercedes added.

"That all sounds good! This should be a great week!"

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