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Without hesitating any further, I opened the door connected to the warehouse I was currently in, aptly enough, the next room was a pretty wide-opened warehouse as well, traffic cones, boxes, and those weird colored containers, whatever their name is. There was a weird machine asking to scan my iris, and when I mean "asking", I mean literally. There was a female voice coming from the device saying 'Please register yourself before proceeding!' over and over. Not expecting much, I scanned myself in the device and obtained what seemed to be some ticket with information about my mental health. Staring at that ticket made me feel at ease, I don't know how or why.

After taking a few steps into the room, I saw a tabby cat laying down a pillow, sleeping very calmly. My only option was to go past it in tip-toes, and because Murphy's Law, the cat woke up anyway. They walked up close to me, but after what I had witnessed happen with another small animal just a few minutes in, I decided to point the hammer at them and keep my distance, the cat just kept creeping in at a really smaller pace than me. I was wrong to believe the cat was harmful, but in the right to have kept my distance against it, as a white slimy blob came rushing into the S-shaped path that was the warehouse. The cat curiously smelled the creature, my first reflex being to try step in and kick the cat in hopes of getting it away from danger, but before I could get my body to move, the slime was absorbed by the cat's body, and it began to have a seizure in the floor as it began to melt in a rather grotesque way, as the tint of red flesh and a horrible scent secreted from the cat's melting body, white bubbles abd horrible noises coming from the cat's mouth.

Regretful and disgusted by the horrific sight, I turned my back and began to run away trying my best to not look back, more of the same extremely tiny white slugs running ahead of me into the next room, they clearly weren't aiming at me. I lost track of them as soon as I reached the door, at that moment, I had heard the repeated meow of a small cat. If stray cats have teached me anything, cats meow a lot whenever they beg for food or water. I knew deep inside of me that I was gonna regret it, I knew deep inside of me that whatever the white puppy did to my fiancé, they did the same to this poor kitty cat, but... I had to see what just had happened to them, a mixture of worry and morbid curiosity overcame me.

I climbed ontop of one of those large colored containers to try get a bird view of the building, and not so far away from the point the cat had been attacked on was the cat itself, walking through the maze in a very top-notch condition, like if he had never been attacked in the first place, the only thing different being a very noticeable trail of goo as it walked past, it was melting away like an ice cream in a really hot summer day, which is ironic, since we're in like 18 Celsium here. It was looking for something, somewhere, anywhere, I don't know what, but knowing it was calling somebody for food, it wasn't very hard to put two and two together about what, better yet, who it was searching.

Seeing the cat come closer to my location, I decided I didn't want to wait and see what was going to happen when it finally found me, so I opened the door, dropped on the floor, everybody do the dinosaur- Wait, no. I got on the floor, opened the door, then walked into the next section.

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