/ RECORD 7 /

152 2 2

The king wolf got out of the chair with a spin-jump (the Sonic references write themselves here) wearing the blanket-like coat as a cape. Soon enough, all the spectator wolves began to raise their fists into the air to repeatedly say something in Japanese short enough to be a singular word.

{ "Y'know what? I'm not wasting time on you." } I said to the creature as I reached to my pockets to bring out the gun and the bullets. I wasn't expecting to get any sort of reply... However...

- "You think I do? I was having a wonderful dream until you came in..."

The creature spoke back. In english. I honestly don't know why I was so surprised by that, I mean, I had witnessed a clone of my deceased soon-to-be wife speak to me, but... it was very unsettling to see a full-on animal talk to me, a full-on ANTHRO animal to make matters worse.

{ "...Then just let me go. Easy as that."
- "One does not simply interrupt the king's sleep and expects to get away with it."
{ "Ah, too fuckin' bad, I'm not just expecting to get away, I KNOW I will get away." 

In a quick motion, I inserted one of those "ZZZ" darts into the gun and pointed it towards the monster, the bystanding members of the pack growling at me in unison until the wolf gestured them to stop.

- "No need to go after him. He's gonna fail the shot."
{ "Dude. YOU're in point blank and I'M from the fucking USA. I got my first gun at age 16. You think I'm gonna fail? You really think I'm gonna fucking fail here? You really wanna test your luck with this one?"

The creature shrugged. - "I do."

And so, I gestured to pull the trigger without actually pulling it, the wolf tried dodging to the left upon seeing my finger itch, that allowed me to catch him off guard with the actual shot...

...But they managed to dodge the shot by creating a hole in their body. You know how fucking fast a bullet goes? This guy went faster than that.

{ "...Shit..." } I said. The wolves in the room began to cheer at their leader, it really ticked me off.

- "...Seems like you failed. Want to give it another shot?" - The wolf king said as they got closer to me, to the point his neck was outright touching the gun. - "You're going to fail anyways."

{ "Yeah, yeah, you may be able to dodge a bullet from this close, but y'know what you can't dodge?"'

The dog tilted their head.me.

{ "...A HAMMER," } With my other hand, I raised the hammer and smashed a side of their head it, the creature flinging and falling to the ground with a yelp. { "BITCH!"

Unlike my last encounters with these creatures, the wolf didn't go down with just one hit to the head, it managed to stay physical (if you can call a living wolf made of goo 'physical'). I stepped near the wolf's chair to keep some distance away from the creature, the other wolves began to growl at me, but the wolf king once again gestured them to stop.

- "You've made this personel, kid..."
{ "It's spelled 'personal', fuckwad."


KEN JONES: 100% | ATK 4 | DEF 0 | DODGE 1 |
WOLF KING: 50% | ATK 1 | DEF 0 | DODGE 999 |

I rushed to the wolf with the hammer once more to land a hit on them while they were down, however, they turned into a puddle and reformed behind me as I swung the hammer. I missed...

The Wolf King grabbed me from the torso and tried to supplex me to the floor. Before they could fully raise me, I hit them in the face with the gun repeatedly until they finally let go of me to treat their injuries.

WOLF KING - 10% (40%)

I distanced myself from the wolf as it recovered. I waited for them to be at least minimally stable before chucking the gun at them, they dodged the attack by turning their torso into a donut, and luckily, that defense mechanism is just what I wanted to trigger.

With the strength of god-knows-who, while their body was still in O-shape, I chucked the hammer straight to their head, making it explode into a gratuitous amount of black goo blood as the creature liquified itself, its mask was flung towards a wall by the hammer and eventually fell to a corner cracked in three different pieces. All of the pack looked in fear, unsure of what to do next. I really wonder what stopped them from attacking me at that point.

I walked up to the mask and picked up both the gun and the hammer. { "...What a fucking wimp... No wonders these doctors dropped your project..."

As I began to walk away from the mask, I felt like if the floor, or rather the black coat of goo covering the floor, shake. The coat of black tar began to shrink as it formed a twice as large wolf from the three cracked mask pieces, in a much louder (and angrier) tone than before, they spoke directly to me.

"...We're not obsolete.... We're not useless... We're not weak... We are not weak. WE ARE NOT WEAK! WE. ARE NOT. WEAK!"

By just saying that one sentence, I had caused the Wolf King to snap, and as soon as its body fully formed, they charged directly at me with their fists ready to attack.

WOLF KING: 100% | ATK 5 | DEF 0 | DODGE 0 |

* The Wolf King is falling apart.

The wolf punched me directly in the head, blacking me out for a few seconds as they threw me to a wall. They remained absolutely still, panting in hot anger, I assume they were expecting me to die in one hit or something. Unluckily, life doesn't work that way.

KEN: -40% (60%)
WOLF KING -25% (75%)

Seeing how huge the wolf was compared to me, and the fact that it seemed like if it was crumbling like a falling building, I really had no intentions to try actually damage it. Stalling for time, I got up rather slowly, acting much more hurt than I actually was (which isn't saying much).

- "...How come are you not dead?!"
{ "...It's gonna take you more to beat me than just one hit..."
- "I am the mighty ruler to all wolves! The leader of the rebellion against those who wanted to use us as nothing but test subjects! You shouldn't be able to stand up!"
{ "...If you tried rebelling yourself before, then all you did was get your kind trapped in some cramped offices. Good fucking job."
- "...You little..."

WOLF KING -15% (60%)

The wolf ran towards me and tried to stomp me. I managed to roll and grab their foot before they managed to set any force in me, it was way too much strength for me to handle, but I tried to hold back as much as I could.

- "Why don't you just DIE?"
{ "Because you suck at killing."

The Wolf King placed way more strength into its attack than before. I had no option but to twist his foot in order to dodge him, several dropplets of the goo covering my torso due to their constant dripping.

When I managed to make the dog trip, it fell to the floor into a splashed mess of nothing. I managed to roll away from the thing before they turned into a sentient blob and tried to absorb me... In the same way the Knight puppy absorbed Mizuko earlier.

At that moment, seeing how I was falling to the same fate as my girl, something snapped in me out of sheer panic and I hit myself in the gut with the hammer. I fell to the ground, breathless, so did the creature, which distanced itself away from me and went back to wolf form, the legs had completely melted away, making it smaller than I, the three-pieced mask completely visible when I managed to regain my breath to stare at the creature. In the 10 seconds that I failed, they had snatched my hammer and raised it high in the sky. Had I regained consciousness one second later, I wouldn't have regained consciousness to begin with.

WOLF KING -30% (30%)

When the creature was about to hit me with the hammer, I raised myself from the floor and extended myself to grab their mask, pinning them to the floor as they dropped the hammer, I tried to rip the three shards away from the creature, they were welded in to the face, the creature trying its best to get my hands away from them, and with a final satisfying sound of cloth being ripped, I managed to take a whole chunk of the creature's face with the mask included. The creature melted into a puddle of nothing, and so did the piece in my hands. All that remained was nothing but three cracked pieces of a weirdly-shaped mask, much more lighter than what I though.


KEN JONES: 100% | ATK 2 | DEF 0 | DODGE 2 |

[ - ] ATK has decreased by 2.
[ + ] DODGE has increased by 1!

I stood up and looked around: The wolves were gone. Never had I felt so powerful until today, but never had I felt so bruised until today either. My mind was completely blank. I didn't know what to say or do next, at least until some sort of winged lizard with a much fancier mask appeared.

"...King, is something the..."

The lizard's glowing eyes met mine, holding the remains of what I suppose to be his friend in my hands, a hammer to the side, a gun to the other.


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