/ RECORD 8 /

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The lizard stared at me, surprisingly, they remained absolutely calm, raising their hands as if trying to appease an angry animal, the walked towards me.

"Human, I'm not gonna harm you. What happened?"

I got up and backed a few steps from the dragon-like creature, storing the hammer into my pockets and pointing the gun at them. { "Okay-okay, first, what are you doing here?"

"I felt powerful presence in this room and came to check." - Needless to say, this creature's english wasn't the best.

{ "Second, HOW do you know english?"
They didn't answer back to the question. After an awkward silence, they completely changed the topic. 

"What happened to King?"
{ "He got angry at me for waking him up, I defeated him, I broke his mask, he came back and died once again."
"Please forgive him. He was spoiled when raised." - The dragon came closer to me to try pick up the mask.
{ "Oh, I can fucking imagine..." } I rolled my eyes while dropping the mask shards into the dragon's hands.

"You are the first human I've seen that has defeated Latex Beast in combat."
{ "Cool."
"But why you came here? Humans don't enter offices due to danger."
{ "I'm actually..." } I stuttered trying to get myself to speak about what happened to Mizuko. { "...My... Love, my girl, my pair, y'know what pairs are right?"
{ "She was... killed. By one of your kind no less."
The dragon looked to the side. - "Sorry to hear..."
{ "...They're chasing me around in some sort of monster version of her, and they turned some kitty into a monster in the process, and I can't get myself to fight them. Mizuko... if that Knight bastard is telling the truth, she's inside of him, if I kill him, I'm gonna kill her too..."

{ "You recognize them?"
"That's not our kind. That's white kind. That puppy was said was dangerous by staff before."
{ (Oh my god. ENGLISH.)

I sighed out of sheer exhaustion. { "...Anyways, mind if you tell me how'd you learn to speak english now?" } I asked to the dragon. It just ignored my question and continued inspecting the broken mask shards.

{ "Hello? Earth to shitty goo furry? You got me?"
The dragon glanced at me with a cold stare and finally replied. - "...A deal."
{ "Good, now I have more questions than answers."
"He would teach language of human if I didn't harm humans who came from room."

Although I finally obtained a much better answer, I wasn't satisfied by it at all. { "Okay, please explain that in more detail, because your english made something blow up in my brain."

"Dark Wolf would teach me language of human kind if I didn't harm whoever human came by."
{ "...Who?"
"A wolf that smells like paper."
{ "So you don't know his name?"
"We don't have names."
{ "What about King?"
"We didn't name him."
{ "Then who?"
{ "Alright, before my brain blows up again, what do I have to do to get out of here?"
"Go to the library."
{ "...Eh?"
"There is room away from offices called library with paper everywhere. Wolf wants you to go there."
{ "...For what?"
"I don't know."
{ "So you made a deal with somebody and you didn't bother remembering his name or figuring out what you were getting yourself into?"
"If you keep questioning my choices, I'm going to infect you beyond recognizing."

Knowing my vocabulary consists of nothing but mocking people, I took the dragon's warning dead serious and slowly walked away. 

The next minutes consisted in me walking through what looked like a cave filled with crystals, dense black goo covering the floor, ceiling and walls in what could be considered a poor mimic attempt of stone. The only creatures in these caves were more of these masked wolves, some sporting a very weird set of characteristics: very dilated pupils and horns. Most of them ran away, on sight, some melted away into the floor, and others decided to retaliate against me. The few that attempted to lunge at me, the few whose masks were turned into nothing but debris by my hammer. I reached a disinfection room at some point, where I was given another of those attendance machines to scan my iris on. I really didn't give too much attention to it and I would have happily walked away without even interacting with it had it not been for the same female voice repeatedly begging me to scan myself on the machine.

The First One  - A Changed StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum