But how could I have? That's it, I'm going mental. Maybe I should be telling someone about this? I doubt my parents could help, but maybe Headmaster Dumbledore could?

"Oh, hello. I hadn't known you were awake. Good morning, Amora!"

I snapped out of my thoughts, head-turning towards the mellow voice that had spoken.

"Oh, I've interrupted a deep thought, haven't I? I can see it growing smaller in your eyes," said Luna.

I shook my head, "No, no it was nothing. Just missing home and my parents, I guess."

Luna slowly removed her blue covers and stepped onto the floor, that's when I noticed that she had worn her shoes to bed.

I must've been staring because Luna caught on, she said, "I sleepwalk, you see. That's why I wear shoes to bed. Many people call me crazy because of this."

I chuckled, "Well, they must not sleepwalk. Just to make sure Luna, I really don't believe that you're crazy. You're different, yes, but as you said to me when we first met, being different isn't a bad thing. It means you're brave enough to be yourself."

Luna gave me a friendly smile, she walked over to Padma, who was still sleeping.

"Wake up, Padma. We'll be late." Padma groaned loudly, clearly not a morning person I see.

I laughed as I got out of my bed, and made my way to the window to take a look outside.

Clouds had dominated the morning sky, leaving only a few patches of blue to be seen. Though the clouds were mostly white, there was a hint of greyness, a suggestion that rain may be greeting us today.

I couldn't help but imagine the mother from my dream again, her face had left an impact on my brain. Something was nagging at me, telling me that whatever had happened was crucial, even real.

I couldn't deny it, I knew that the mother and I had felt a connection. Whoever she was, and whatever she had been facing felt like it was a part of me. I couldn't wrap my head around it but I knew for a fact that the woman and I were connected with a bond somehow.

But why? I let myself ponder into the deep thoughts until I was interrupted by Padma.

"Come on Amora! We're going to be late for our classes, I can't afford another detention with Snape again!"

Professor Snape

We ran as fast as we could, but we failed to make it on time.

I stood in front of the class, along with Padma and Luna. Snape was having us position ourselves in front of the whole class so they could also learn a lesson, along with us.

I looked down at my feet, avoiding eye contact with Snape. My nails were digging into my palm as my cheeks started to redden.

Fuck, I despised being stared at by a whole class, I was so embarrassed.

"You are never to be late again. Do you understand?"

I finally looked up at Snape as I said, "Yes sir! Er- yes Professor!"

He turned around to go back to his desk, "Go sit down. Since I feel rather generous today, I will let you three off without detention."

Thank Merlin, I really didn't want to spend unnecessary time with Snape, he really scared the fuck out of me.

"-But, I will be deducting 10 points from Ravenclaw for your immature actions."

I heard some snickers, coming from the Slytherin table. Padma rolled her eyes as we passed them.

We quietly took our seats with the other Ravenclaws, not wanting to stir any more attention towards us.

"Now, turn to page 394."

As we all frantically flipped through the pages, we heard a loud creak coming from the door as it opened.

A pale boy with ruffled blonde hair walked into the classroom, hands resting in his pockets. Draco.

My eyes instantly went to his face, it felt like I had no control over them as they searched his glum face.

His dark circles underneath his empty eyes had given him a rough look today, worse than the last time I had seen him.

Instantly, my head went back to the embarrassing moment I encountered with him last night. I can't believe I fell on top of him, while I was wearing practically nothing.

He gracefully walked past us and sat down with the members of his house. Snape turned his head towards him, ready to speak out a few words.

"Draco, I hope you will take your class seriously by coming to class on time for the future. As for now, please turn to page 394."

My mouth opened in shock as I mumbled to myself, "How is that even fair?"

Snape had made us stand like fools in front of the whole class and had even deducted points from our house for making the same mistake as Draco. But instead of doing the same to him, pretty boy here received no form of punishment at all.

Snape instantly turned towards me, making a loud noise in his chair.

"You dare to question my actions, Wilson? In front of me?" He said in a stern voice.

Fuck. I hadn't realized that my words had been loud enough to reach his ears. I did not mean for him to hear that.

"Er- No! No, sir, of course not." I said in a shaky voice as I gazed down towards the floor out of embarrassment.

"Lying is not acceptable here at Hogwarts, surely you knew that? As an act of punishment, you will be serving an hour of detention this afternoon with me. Maybe that will teach you a lesson."

I heard a snort erupt from the Slytherin table.
Dammit, why the fuck didn't I keep my mouth shut?

I sighed as I looked up, towards Snape, "My apologies, Professor Snape. I will never let it happen again."

He nodded his head as a gesture of acceptance. I was hoping that he would've forgiven me and let me go without detention. But what was I thinking? This was Snape we were talking about.

The feeling of dread kept growing in my stomach as the class continued, time nearing for detention.


Authors Note-
Hi GUYSSS, I love you guys so damn much for continuing my series! You have no idea how much I appreciate you guys 🥺. I am a small growing writer and hope to learn more from this experience, and you guys are giving me more motivation with each of the comments, votes and follows! So, thank you very much for everything, and I want to make this small community grow even more, so if you could share or recommend this series with anyone that you can, I would really appreciate it! I apologize for the short chapter, I've been rlly busy with school :(, but I promise I'll bring more for the next chapter!! Maybe some spice? ;)

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