A New Start

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Amora Wilson looked at herself in the mirror, running her hands through her loose black curls. Her thoughts wandered around, trying to grasp the idea that her dream was finally coming true.

She was afraid. Afraid that she wouldn't fit in, afraid that nobody would like her, afraid that she was going to be mocked at. She was going to be the only new student attending the 6th year at Hogwarts, the place she dreamed of since age 11.

Her dreams had been crushed at age 11 when her parents threw her invitation from Hogwarts in the trash.

They told her that it wasn't a safe place for her and that she was better off being homeschooled. But ignoring their bickering, Amora would always yearn for the place.

She wanted to be among the crowds of delighted students, wanted to explore the place, wanted to make friends, wanted to...not be lonely anymore.

Until a few weeks ago, her parents were set on the decision that she was never going to attend Hogwarts- ever. But Dumbledore's unexpected visit led them to change their mind. She had been hushed away to her room by her mother, but she was able to sneak out a few rumbles from her parents as they spoke with Dumbledore.

'She must come to Hogwarts Rina, it may not be safe for her here anymore......powers.."

Those were the only words she could grasp from Dumbledore before the conversation had ended. She was confused, but she didn't care for it, she had heard her parents mutter an 'okay, we'll let her attend..' and her heart had almost burst with excitement.

"Amora darling- *gasp* oh my merlin, you look gorgeous sweetie!"

She instantly turned around to face her mother's tall slender figure standing in the doorway. Her mother looked like an average middle-aged woman, confidence being her most admired feature.

But Amora was the opposite of her mother, she was a short skinny girl, who was only just beginning to blossom into a lady. Her hips were gradually growing thicker as her waist seemed to be getting smaller. But confidence had always been one of her weaknesses.

"Alrighty, now you have everything packed?" She nodded her head. "Well then, I think we better get going or I may just change my mind and force you to stay home with us!" She winked at Amora with a friendly smile.

Platform 9 3/4

POV from AMORA -

That. Was. Terrifying.

Don't get me wrong, I love experiencing the magic and all but I really thought I was gonna hit my head and fall to the ground while running through that wall. How embarrassing... get a grip Amora.

As soon as we got to the other side of the wall, I saw many students hugging their parents goodbye and running to the train with their friends. My heart couldn't stop racing, I was finally doing this.

Mum placed her hands on my shoulders and sighed. It was time to say goodbye. I turned around to my loving parents, whom I was going to miss awfully.

I looked up at her face, her eyes were starting to get watery. I was shocked at first, I mean... Mum? Crying? She would always tell me that showing emotions can make us weak, even vulnerable, but I never listened to her. One more difference among us I guess.

She pulled me into a tight hug which almost made my father join in as well. Almost.

My father wasn't a 'family' type of man, meaning he was rarely around to spend time with me, his one and only daughter. He's a busy man, but that shouldn't be an excuse. He was always out for work, but I didn't miss his appearance much because mum always seemed to present herself as both of my parental figures in life.

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