Chapter 14: Untold Secrets

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Tears were dripping down my cheeks, ignoring my desire for them to stop.

I wiped them and frantically ran down the dim-lighted hallway. Instead of heading towards the Hufflepuff commons, I ran to the closest bathroom I could find, desperate to hide from everyone.

I thankfully found an empty bathroom and walked to the nearest stall, locking it after me.

Sitting on the closed toilet, I brought my knees together and hugged them. I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down.

I really didn't know why I was crying to begin with. After all, what did I expect of Malfoy? He was just a pathetic bully. That's what he was. He loved to torment people.

But I was hurt, knowing that my first experience with a boy had ended like this.

I felt...used.

I felt so fucking confused. How could I have let him kiss me? How could I have been so fucking stupid? Of course he would do something like this, he hated me.

After all, I was just a Mudblood.

Suddenly, my mum popped into my head. The woman who had taught me about having enough dignity to respect myself. I could already hear her scolding me to get myself together.

I am a witch for fuck's sake.

Surely, a stupid boy couldn't be the cause of my tears.

But why did it hurt? My heart felt like it was chipping away, gradually breaking into a million pieces.

Quiet sobs erupted from my throat and echoed into the empty bathroom.

I cursed at myself for letting it get this far. For letting him degrade me.

Nothing made sense anymore. Ever since I arrived at Hogwarts, I felt like my life was slipping from my grasp. It had been my dream to study here, surely I should make the best of it, but so far, I wished more than anything to return home.

I wiped my red, puffy nose again.

A voice interrupted my sobs, "Hello? Er- Who's in here?"


I instantly recognized her voice. Ginny.

I cleared my throat and croaked, "Um- It's me. Amora- Amora Wilson."

I got up and tried to smooth down my robe, it had become fairly wrinkled. Wiping my eyes one more time, I unlocked the stall and stepped out.

Ginny stood just a few feet away from me with widened eyes. She moved her eyes up and down slowly, observing every detail.

Fuck, I should've used a spell to fix myself up before facing her.

In a worried tone, she asked, "What happened to you? Don't tell me you drowned again-"

I nervously laughed as I tried to come up with an excuse. "No! Er- it's nothing. I just tripped..and fell."

Tripped and fell?! Fuck, I was terrible at lying.

She gave me a look that clearly stated 'I'm not falling for your bullshit'.

"Amora. What happened?"

I sighed, still trying to search my slow mind for an excuse.

She stepped closer to me and started smoothing down my hair as she said, "It's alright. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But.."

Her eyes slowly trailed down to my neck. She froze, her hands still holding a handful of my curls.

Her eyes contained a mixture of shock and confusion. Slowly, her mouth pulled into a sly grin. " tripped and fell, huh?"

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