Theodore Nott

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I had gone through the rest of my classes pretty quickly. Hannah invited me to join her and some of her friends to hang out in the Hufflepuff common room, but I politely declined, making up an excuse.

I headed to the library to look for some peace and quiet. I needed to complete my homework as well.

I sighed in relief when I realized that the room was empty. I found my way to a corner and sat down at a window seat.

I was quietly working on my homework when I was interrupted by someone emerging from the end of the aisle.

I looked up and locked eyes with Theodore Nott. He had a smirk on his face.

I quickly looked away and dropped my eyes onto my books, I was in no mood for a fuss.

He scoffed as he walked closer and took the seat beside me, "Ouch, don't ignore me Wilson."

I rolled my eyes at him, "What do you want? Here to call me a Mudblood again?"

He leaned his back on the window trying to make himself more comfortable. "Oh, no, no. I would never call you such a thing."

"Oh, really? I remember our incident in this library from the last time pretty clearly," I stated confidently.

He raised a brow as he smirked again, "Oh, you mean our almost kiss? I bet you remember that pretty clearly. But I'm not here for that, I actually needed your help."

"Oh? Are you sure a Mudblood can be helpful?"

He rolled his eyes, "I need your help with the Divination project. You have top marks in that class, so Trelawney told me to ask if you could help me."

"And what if I choose not to help you?"

He suddenly leaned in and hovered over me, pushing me back. "Oh I can be very persuasive, you will definitely choose to help me."

I nervously bit my lip and noticed his eyes trailing down to them.

He slowly leaned away and went back to his original position. He played with the rings on his hand as he asked, "So when are you free?"

I sighed as I shut my book, "Well. I don't want this to become a regular thing, let's make that clear. But I guess we could start right now, I have to work on mine too."

He reached into his bag and pulled out a quill and some parchment. "Right now, huh? Desperate to spend some time with me, Wilson?"

I glared at him as I stated, "I can leave right now if I want to."

He laughed quietly, "Alright, alright. I'm just joking."

We went over the chapters of the book that he was confused with. I was surprisingly really good at Divination, it felt natural to work with its concepts.

We quickly ended our little session and packed our things to leave for dinner. I slung the strap of my bag over the shoulder and stood up to leave.

All of a sudden, a cold hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around, forcing a gasp to erupt from my mouth.

I came face to face with a smirking Theo. My brows drew together as I tried to slip my wrist out of his hand. "Let me go, Theodore."

He observed me as I struggled to pull away from him. "Don't call me that, I like how the name Theo sounds on your tongue."

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Meet me back here tomorrow, yeah?"

My eyes narrowed again, "Why? I thought you only needed help with the project. It's done, now so is this conversation."

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