Phoebe was now inches away from Malik, every word she had said she had stepped closer to him. He didn’t even bother trying to call out another demon. She would just take it on him and that would be one less chain he would have. One less being to protect him.

“Why don’t we just find out?” Phoebe said and broke the chain.


Yugi was running down the stairs, not worrying about the noise that he made. He had to find where Slayer Phoenix was being held. Nova would most likely be there.

The building was a huge maze of corridors and Yugi was having a hard time finding his way through it. Every corner he turned, Yami could be waiting for him. He wanted to find Phoenix first before he went to confront Yami.

Finally, after about ten minutes, he found a locked door with chains on it. There was no doubt that this was where Phoenix would be. He broke the locks and threw open the door. He nearly fell to his knees at the sight.

“This was nothing but lies!” Yugi yelled and dashed inside. He went over to where Phoenix was laying, out cold. Nova had passed out as well, tear stains on his face. At the sound of Yugi, he woke up and went over to where Phoenix was as well.

“I’m not sure if she’s dead or not.” Nova whispered, his eyes starting to tear up again.

“What happened?” Yugi said, his voice quivering and his tears streaming down his face. They landed on Phoenix and dissolved into her skin. “After everything, what happened? Why didn’t he keep his promise?”

For about five minutes, Yugi just kept muttering, “Why? Why? Why?” and his brain could not seem to process what Yami had done to one of the best Slayers that had once been.

“I…. have….. the…. answer….” Yugi and Nova both jumped as Phoenix spoke those words, her voice weak and her eyes barely open.

“How? How are you alive?” Yugi asked, looking at Nova.

“I guess when our tears hit her, her body took in what oxygen there was from them and used it to try and wake her up.” Nova said, wiping his eyes.

“Both… are…. pathetic…” Phoenix said, noticing how they both had been crying. “You… all… are…. Slayers…. damnit…”

Yugi and Nova both got a smile from this, how Phoenix could still be herself even when she could die any minute.

“Yami…. Bit me…. Took all the blood… he possibly could…” Phoenix said and tried to sit up, but just fell back over with a whimper of pain.

“Phoenix, you shouldn’t try to move!” Nova said.

“But I… have to kill… that thing….” Phoenix said and couldn’t move from the pain that had set in.

“I will do it.” Yugi told her.

“You are… the faith… inside me Yugi… I trust you…. Kill that bastard…” Phoenix said and her eyes shut again, this time her breathing starting to pick up and her pulse coming back.


Malik was having a severely hard time fighting off the demons. They just kept pouring out of the chain and Phoebe just sat back and laughed.

“It’s no use Conjurer. You will never fend them off!” Phoebe yelled.

Malik didn’t even bother to answer and just kept using spell after spell, slowly feeling his life force draining from him with each word.

One of the demons was too strong though. It broke through the spell and slashed Malik in the stomach. He fell to the ground, blood pouring out, and the demons starting to swarm around him.

Slayer vs. Killer {A Yu-Gi-Oh! FanFiction}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ