Chapter 3 Here We Go Alola

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Ash woke up with his alarm clock Pikachu who used thunder bolt at him just to woke up he then get breakfast that Professor Kukui left him and he got bath and changed to go to the Pokémon School.....

Ash - Let's race Pikachu! Ash said as he ran away...

Pikachu - Pikaaa(Wait you Cheater)...

After a 30 minutes of running they already reach the Pokémon School...... But they saw a three bad guys hurting their soon to be new friends.....

Ash - Hey W-....!!!

Before Ash could finish a guy without a shirt riding his Charizard appear.....

??? - What do you think you're doing to my friends????

??? - Kiawei!!!

??? - Huh! Wanna fight with us dude... Rapp,Zipp let's go teach that guy a lesson....

Rapp & Zipp - Okay Tupp bro....


Rapp - Golbat Air Slash....

Zipp - Garbodor Mud Shot.....

Kiawei - Tortunator Come out and use Flamethrower....

Golbat - Goolll

Garbodor - Dooorrr....

Tortunator - Na torrrr.....

The moves collided which create a huge smoke.....

Tupp - Salandit Flamethrower....

Ash - Look in your back....

??? - Don't worry he'll be fine...

Kiawei - Turtonator step back then let's use this....

??? - That's right teach them with that's move....

Kiawei - My full body,power and soul.....The zenith of all that I am.....Become a blazing flames that burn like the mountain of Akala.... Inferno Overdrive.....

Ash - Huh what is he talking there's no move like t....

Before Ash could finish there is a giant ball of fire that appear and charge towards Tupp,Rapp, and Zipp and their Pokémon fainted that make them run away....

Tupp & Rapp & Zipp - You will pay for this....

They said while riding their bicycles....

Ash - What was that!!???

Pikachu - Pika pi( What a cool move)

??? - Thanks Kiawei.....

Kiawei - Don't mention it Mallow.....

They look at where Ash and Pikachu....

Kiawei - Also!!! Thanks to you as well I see that you tried to protect but I appear before you could talk....

Ash - Ohh It's okay! Anyway my name's Ash Ketchum....

Kiawei - I'm Kiawei, Kiawei Ishikawa!!!!

After Kiawei introduce himself he look at his back to see his frozen friends....

Kiawei - Ahhhhh!!!! Are you guys okay....

Mallow & ??? - There's a ghost.....

Mallow and a Blonde girl said....

Kiawei - Huh!!!

??? - Didn't you see in a news Ash Ketchum has been killed last day....

Said by a chubby blonde boy....And Kiawei look at Ash with a frightened face.....

Ash - Come on guys let me explain.....

When Ash talk again they ran far away from him until they've bumped into Professor Kukui and a dark skinned old man.....

??? - Ohh are you Machokey???

Kiawei - Ahh!!! We're fine Professor but there's a ghost....

Kukui - Huh!!! A ghost???

??? - Right it's right there....

The blue haired girl said as she pointed at where Ash is....

Kukui - Ohh he's not a ghost.....

All of them - Huh!???

Kukui - Ash could you come here and explained it to them....

Ash explained it to them.....

Mallow - Ahh! We're sorry for misunderstanding you anyway my name's Mallow Ueda....

??? - I'm Lillie Aether....

??? - I'm Launa Suiren...I can't forgive those friends of yours....

??? - Just call me Sophocles Mamane....

Ash - It's okay Mallow Ueda ....Hello to you all again....

Lillie - So you're gonna be our new classmate and friend....

Ash - W-what friend????😨😨😨

Ash has been startled when Lillie said the word friend,since he doesn't want to be friends with anyone again...

??? - Don't worry Ash they will not betray you just like your former friends did....

Ash - Who're you!???🤔🤔🤔

??? - Ahh sorry for not introducing my self my Arcaname is Principal Gabriel Oak....

Ash - Wait what??? Oak....Do you know Professor Oak....

Prin.Oak - That's right Sammy is my pikcousin....

Ash - Huh!!???🤔🤔🤔

Kiawei - Ahh don't mind his grammar.....😩😩😩

After they finish talking a Pokémon forcefully make himself out of his Pokeball.......

Hoopa - Ash- kan! Why didn't you let Hoopa out Hoopa want to play.....

Pikachu - Pika( Oh Hoopa)

Mallow - Wait is that...

Sophocles & Lillie & Launa & Kiawei - Hoopa!!!!😱😱😱

Hoopa - Huh! Hey Cles-Kan Lil-Kan Wei- Kan Mal-Kan Laun-Kan...Ash-Kan you didn't tell Hoopa that we're at Pokémon School.....

Ash - Ohh sorry about that Hoopa!!!

After the Alola greetings they started they're class....

Sorry for this short chapter.......

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