Chapter 1 Im Home Pallet Town

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Ash Ketchum has no other Pokémon which means the winner of Kalos League was Alain.....The Referee said...

Wow Nice battle....The Audience yelled....

After Ash left after congratulating Alain for his won......

At Pallet Town

Ash - Im happy to come back home again Pikachu.....

Ash said happily....

Pikachu - Pika Pika ( Me too )

Ash and Pikachu raced to their home......
And after a fast running Ash and Pikachu arrive at the front of Ash housed.... Where his mother open the door and see him...

Delia - Ash!!! I'm really proud of you even though you lose I'm still proud since your battle was really intense....

Ash - Really mum!!! Thanks I know you always support me....

Pikachu - Pikaaaa---Chuu (I'm hungry)

Delia - Ohh looks like Pikachu's hungry come in someone's waiting for you....

Ash - Huh!!! Who is it???

Ash entered to see who was waiting for him.....

It was

Ash - Ohh!! Hey guys,why are you here...

Misty - Uhm! How could I say this,I think you should give up at your dream becoming a Pokémon Master.....

Ash - W-WHAT!!! You're joking right!!???

Dawn & May - No Ash!!! She's not joking...

Max - You are a weak Pokémon trainer I can't believe you beat my Dad at Pokémon battle maybe you cheat....

Ash - W-Wait!!! I didn't do that....

May - Shut up! Ash we're telling this for your own sake....

Dawn - Right you're just wasting you're life... You've try to accomplish your dream for almost 6 years but you still Doesn't accomplish it...

Drew - Right! Remember you can't even beat me despite you having type advantage.....

Kenny - And you can't beat me too when you're the one who has more experience!!!

Iris - And you're also an idiot you could be easily won the Unova league if you just use you're other Pokémon but you're so stubborn to use the Pokémon you only just caught.....

Cilan - You're too weak!!How could we support you if you're too weak....

Trip - You may be beat me at Unova league but I beat you at our other battle that means you're just lucky....

Calem - If I'm the one to battle that Alain I should beat him....

Calem said since he was beaten by a Powerful trainer that Alain beat before he could face Alain....

Bonnie - That's right! That guy that beat Calem cheat....

Clemont - Ash just give up....

Serena - Looked Ash...All of us already achieved our dreams while you not...

Ash - That's right!! You achieve your dreams because of my support...And now you're doing this I thought you're my friends...You Misty I always their by your side...You Max,May I support you dreams also saved you when team magma and aqua attack....While you Dawn I also saved you against team Galactic...Include you two Cilan and Iris didn't I save you against team Plasma....And also to you Four I'm the one who saved your own home the Kalos and now you're doing this huh....

Pikachu - Pikaaaa.....(How dare you)

Pikachu said ready to fire a thunder bolt....

Ash - Stop it Pikachu...Just let them.... Remember this I'll return...And rise again...

Ash ran to Professor Oak's lab....

Oak - Ohh Ash what happened!!???

Gary - Huh Ashy boy why are crying!!???

Ash explained everything to Professor Oak and Gary also Traycee....

Gary - Aww! That's so mean...

Traycee - Right! But don't worry we're on your side....

Oak - Don't worry....

Ash - Auh Professor could you take care of my Pokémon????

Oak - Okay!!!

Traycee & Gary - But where are you going???

Ash - To become Stronger....

Ash said then flew with Charizard and his Pikachu,Greninja,Sceptile, and Infernape....

Gary, Traycee & Oak - Huh!!!

Ash arrived at mount silver and he start to trained their......

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