The Benders (2)

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I woke up with a gasp. I looked down at my body to see my shirt torn with blood seeping through, as well as my flannel missing. What the shit? I can't remember what happened, oh God why is it so loud in here. I looked around to see I was being kept in a big metal cage. My hand went to the back of my head as I hissed. Oh, now I remember. I was drunk, the money, the car window. I was taken by whatever we were hunting.

"Sammy, Dean!" I whisper shouted even though my head was pounding for me to stop. Fucking hate hangovers.

I got up and walked to the right side of the cage. I was about to use my magic to pull but I looked over to see a man in the same position I was in.

"Fuck, so magic is out."

I continued to pull on the cage with my bare hands hoping to at least break one of the bars to use as a weapon.

I walked over to the corner which was closet to the man.

He was passed out, but he was breathing, that's all I needed. I looked around to see the door of the cage. I walked over and stood in front of it. I grabbed the bars above my head and swung my feet into the door. It made a loud bang that rang in my head. God why did I drink that much.

However I did it again. Swinging my body, I slammed my feet into the gate, but it wouldn't budge. I hit it again, and again, and again.

"Damn it!" I yelled out as I fell to the floor panting.

I looked over to my right to see the man, who I assumed is Jenkins, waking up.

"Oh I knew you were alive, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Does it look like I'm doing okay?" He sarcastically replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Where are we?" I questioned him.

"I don't know, country I think, smells like the country."

"You're Alvin Jenkins, aren't you?"


Of course.

"Wow, I was looking for you."

"Oh yeah?"


"Well, no offense, but this is a piss-poor rescue."

He was getting on my nerves.

"Watch it." I said threatening as I continued.

"My brothers are out there, right now too, they're looking for us."

"So, they're not gonna find us, we're in the middle of nowhere, waiting for them to come back and do God knows what to us."

"What are they, have you seen them?"

I needed to know what I was dealing with.

"What are you talking about?"

"Whatever grabbed us, what do they look like?" I asked him.

"See for yourself."

Right then a door opened to the right of me. I crawled over and peaked through small holes to try and see what was coming. The glass in my arms and shoulders ached, but I ignored it.

This thing was draped in a black hoodie. He walked up to Jenkin's cage as I looked at the monster confused. He hit the side of his cage with a pipe making Jenkins cower in the corner.

"Leave me alone, don't you touch me!" He yelled out.

They opened his door and slid in some food. Right when the door was closed and locked, Jenkins rushed over and started scarfing down what they gave him. They were stupid if they think I was eating what they gave me. They started walking over to my cage to do the same thing. I stood tall in the back still facing the door. They hit my cage with the pipe. I didn't even flinch. I looked over to see a man locking up a box that was on the wall. The box that opened our doors, but my brothers and I were so wrong, they were just humans.

My door opened as they slid in a glass plate with a glass mug and some sausage. The second my door closed, I ran over to the plate, picked it up, and chucked it into the metal door, causing all the glass to shatter into tiny pieces.

Everyone turned to me as I glared at the cloaked people. They then turned away and walked back out. I dropped the mean facade and walked over to the glass to see if I could use any of it as a weapon, but all the pieces were to small.

I fell back onto my butt.

"Well I'll be damned, they're just people." I thought outloud.

"Yeah, what did you expect?" Jenkins replied sarcastically.

"How often do they feed us?"

"Once a day, they use that thing over there to open the gates."

"And that's the only time you see them?"

"So far, but I'm waiting."

"For what?"

"Ned Beatty time, babe."

"Don't call me that, I think that's the least of your worries right now."

"Oh yeah?"


"What do you think they want?"

I got down on the floor and started digging the old glass out of my arms and shoulders. It hurt like a bitch, but I didn't know how much time I had and they can use my injuries against me, as well as get infected. I took of my ripped up shirt and cut it into small makeshift bandages for my cuts, just to stop the bleeding. I was now only in a bra.

"Depends on who they are."

I got up off my ass and looked in the corner of my cage to see pipes hanging down within my reach. I reached my hand out of my cage and grabbed them, then started tugging.

"They're a bunch of psycho hillbilly rednecks, if you ask me, looking for love in all the wrong places." Jenkins joked.

I stayed silent as I lifted my legs up onto the top of the cage and tugged down as hard as I could. Just like in Black Water Ridge when the wendigo tied us to the ceiling of the cave. The cuts on my arms and shoulders yelled at me to stop but I didn't listen.

"What's you're name again?"

"It's Harley." I grunted out.

"Why don't you give it up, babe, there's no way out."


With the last tug the pipe came breaking down.

"What is it?" Jenkins asked me.

"It's a bracket."

"Oh thank god, a bracket, now we got them' huh?"

Suddenly Jenkins door opened. Oh no, this doesn't feel right.

"Must have been a short, maybe you knocked something loose."

"I think you should get back in there Jenkins." I warned.


"This isn't right."

"Don't you want to get out of here."

"Yeah, but that was too easy."

"I'm gonna get out of here, I'm gonna send help okay, don't worry."

"No, I'm serious, Jenkins, this might be a trap."

"Bye Harley."

"No, Jenkins!"

I started tugging on the gate door hoping it would open.

"Shit, shit, shit." I muttered.

I could feel it was a trap. Out of the silence I heard a door squeaking. I looked over to see Jenkin's cage door close and lock.

I fucking knew it.

I continued hitting and tugging on my door, in desperate need to save him, but it wouldn't budge. I lifted myself up and slammed my feet into the door over and over again, but still nothing. I fell to the floor exhausted.

Suddenly a scream erupted through the quiet. Jenkin's scream. Damn it.

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now